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Moms Office Tank


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So i finally convinced my mom that a fish tank would be great in her office. She is gonna take my old 29 gallon and I'm gonna help her set it up as a FOWLR. The problem is that she is really picky about her fish. She likes fish that look "exotic" tangs, angelfish, butterfly fish etc. With the exception of a dwarf angel, do you guys know of any other bright colored active fish that would fit in the tank? Was thinking maybe a flasher or fairy wrasse but I don't think they both would fit. Help...Please?

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A dwarf angel, flame angel to be precise. :P


A trio of chromis (keeping them well-fed to curb aggression), a pair of firefish (they are much bolder if they are a pair), and a pair of blood fire shrimp to mix it up a bit. :)

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A dwarf angel, flame angel to be precise. :P


A trio of chromis (keeping them well-fed to curb aggression), a pair of firefish (they are much bolder if they are a pair), and a pair of blood fire shrimp to mix it up a bit. :)

Sweet! Thanks!

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