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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Need a fish thats not a pushover


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Any suggestions? My female clown is about 3 inches and fat. She killed my purple firefish and my yellow clown goby. What can I get that won't be bullied by her but also won't kill her in return. Looking for something different and colorful. Its for a 22 gal. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you

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Any suggestions? My female clown is about 3 inches and fat. She killed my purple firefish and my yellow clown goby. What can I get that won't be bullied by her but also won't kill her in return. Looking for something different and colorful. Its for a 22 gal. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you

Cherub Angelfish. What kind of clownfish?

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its on oscellaris clown. I thought they were the more less aggresive clown species but I guess not. She bullies her mate everytime feeding time comes.


I don't want to get rid of her either. Shes been with me since I started reefing, shes 4 years old now and I got her when she was just a penny.

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I thought they were the more less aggresive clown species but I guess not.


The least aggressive murderer is still a murderer.. just not as aggressive as the rest.

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Come on! Be realistic. He can actually get a bull shark.

I am being realistic!



realistically a dreamer. :)


somebody's been watching shark week :lol:

A wee bit.

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Wouldn't try adding anything new. She'll bully any new fish and even if they have tough demeanor once they're settled, they'll still be shy enough on introduction to be at serious risk.

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Undulated Trigger. Hands down, the fish equivalent of likes to fight guy. The tank is his octagon.


Seriously though, a Domino Damsel. A mighty little fish and if it is too mean you're not out too much. Mine used to bite the hairs on my hand and arm when I would do maintenance. Punk. Probably payback for the ammonia he lived through.

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