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JBJ Picotope Build Help


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So I've been contemplating a small reef for my night stand and finally decided a JBJ Picotope would be perfect, I love the shape of the little reef and the size is perfect. So far I haven't purchased anything just because I want to get the build together.


My main concern is lighting... I want an LED light to support a couple corals. I really don't plan on having fish and if I do it would be a small onyx clown who I will afterwards transfer into a bigger tank once he grows out o the pico. *This is IF I decide to get fish, which I doubt I will since thats what I have an actual tank for*


Other then that, I plan to have an extremely small, maybe not even 1 inch sand bed of and I'm definitely considering it to be black sand. I really want this build be like the "dark side"


Filtration wise, I don't know really how potent the stock JBJ Picotope filtration system is. But I have seen some people switch it up for a AC70 which is what I would like to do with the inTank media basket with some chaeto and chemi-pure elite and/or maybe purigen?


LIGHTING is my biggest concern right now, I want a nice LED. So far I've looked into the PAR30 Reef Lamp:



I'm a little confused as to how to combine the lights. Since I see they have various different combinations.



Open to ANY and all suggestions. Thanks

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I just recently setup my Picotope again after years of being out of the hobby. The size and shape of the tank is amazing, at least in my opinion.


Have you thought about drilling the tank and using a sump? I'm not sure how far you are looking to go, but that would be another option, plus open up more options for filtration and auto top-off down the road. The bottom on these tanks can be drilled. I remember when I went to get mine drilled, the person who was doing the work wasn't sure if the bottom was tempered or not.


As for lighting, have you checked out what LEDTRiC has for sale too? I do not have any of their LED lights in my possession right now, but my PAR38 has been shipped and I'm waiting for it to arrive. Once it gets here I plan to do a review. When I was doing my research I decided on their product over a few others, but that is just the opinion I formed from my readings. LEDTRiC's Website

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I just recently setup my Picotope again after years of being out of the hobby. The size and shape of the tank is amazing, at least in my opinion.


Have you thought about drilling the tank and using a sump? I'm not sure how far you are looking to go, but that would be another option, plus open up more options for filtration and auto top-off down the road. The bottom on these tanks can be drilled. I remember when I went to get mine drilled, the person who was doing the work wasn't sure if the bottom was tempered or not.


As for lighting, have you checked out what LEDTRiC has for sale too? I do not have any of their LED lights in my possession right now, but my PAR38 has been shipped and I'm waiting for it to arrive. Once it gets here I plan to do a review. When I was doing my research I decided on their product over a few others, but that is just the opinion I formed from my readings. LEDTRiC's Website


They're PAR38 looks nice, that is just the bulb though right?

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That lamp is almost identical to the one I picked up for my spec today. $12 at Walmart. My only gripe is that I'm using a 50/50 florescent and it sticks out about an inch or so. If you go led it may not be a problem.

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