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Cultivated Reef

which one?


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Oceanic BioCube Aquarium - 14 Gallon or JBJ nano cube 12 gallon? Well i just bought the RSM but now i have to buy a smaller tank because apparently my apartment dosnt allow more then 10g but will let me go 12g or 14g. would of been nice if they would of told me sooner instead of calling me after i bought and started to cycle it.

Just need some input on which one would be better for growing chalices, favias, and other LPS




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Ya that was the plan but if someone suggest not to, then maybe I won't. Would it be fine keeping the stock filtration? What needs to be upgraded? Is the stock light on those tanks good enough?

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In terms of quality the biocubes are better than the nano cubes or so I hear. I own a biocube and love it. As far as the lighting, you would probably want to switch it out and retrofit leds under hood or pop the top off and go rimless with a Kessil (love that look). It's up to you but I would pull the trigger on the biocube. Perfect little AIO setup.....but you will more than likely be tempted to upgrade somewhere down the line.

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I think either route you go you will be tempted to upgrade but if you do it is completely up to you. some people have ran well established systems with their biocubes and others like myself have upgraded the biocube so much it is now just a name. With the biocube if you choose to keep the stock lighting the filtration will have to be changed as the bioballs trap unwanted headaches over time.

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How did they find out what size tank you had?

It's not like you were bringing a 150 up the stairs man...


Or did one of the condo commando's call on you?

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In terms of quality the biocubes are better than the nano cubes or so I hear. I own a biocube and love it. As far as the lighting, you would probably want to switch it out and retrofit leds under hood or pop the top off and go rimless with a Kessil (love that look). It's up to you but I would pull the trigger on the biocube. Perfect little AIO setup.....but you will more than likely be tempted to upgrade somewhere down the line.


Ya i really do like the look of the kessils thats a good idea. Do those biocubes get really warm?



I think either route you go you will be tempted to upgrade but if you do it is completely up to you. some people have ran well established systems with their biocubes and others like myself have upgraded the biocube so much it is now just a name. With the biocube if you choose to keep the stock lighting the filtration will have to be changed as the bioballs trap unwanted headaches over time.


Thanks. I probably will end up upgrading down the road.



You may need to rethink your stocking options. Grow chalices? Your space is restricted in either of those tanks.


I could always Frag when the time comes :)



How did they find out what size tank you had?

It's not like you were bringing a 150 up the stairs man...


Or did one of the condo commando's call on you?


I had some plumbers come by and no one was home so they had to let them in and saw the tank. And thats when they saw it, and later that evening the called me to say it was to big.

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