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Cultivated Reef

Snail ID


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What is this snail? I went to my LFS and got a single blue legged hermit crab since both mine have died and I saw this guy in with the hermits. I wasn't sure if it was a black cerith snail (and neither was the guy) but he gave me the snail for free. All black besides a brown band around the top of the shell. Also, as soon as I got it in my tank it started to burrow in the sand just like my nassarius snails do.



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cerith's do burrow. Almost all of mine do. Maybe it's breed of cerith type thing or an environmental factor. I dunno. But yeah mine do so don't be alarmed. It's kind of annoying tho cuz they move my frags around once in a while haha.

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cerith's do burrow. Almost all of mine do. Maybe it's breed of cerith type thing or an environmental factor. I dunno. But yeah mine do so don't be alarmed. It's kind of annoying tho cuz they move my frags around once in a while haha.


Okay, thank you. Mainly, I just wanted to make sure he was reef safe, but now I guess I will never see him. lol. I just thought it was strange cause I have like a 1" flordia cerith in my tank and he never burrows.

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Mine come out at night tho. Or rather later in the day so u might see him pop out of the sand every now and then.

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