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Cultivated Reef

Odyssea compact florescent?


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I was looking into new bulbs for my Nano Cube 24g and came over the Odyssea bulbs. They seem really cheap. Do they grow coral?



all odyssea lighting is just ok. I have had very slow growth under 72watt t5 lighting from them

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So worth it or not?

No. You get what you pay for in this hobby. I don't understand why people that are new to get involved in it if you are just going to nicklel and dime the stuff you put on or in a tank. :slap:

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Because its easy to be cheap when you don't know better. They will keep mushrooms alive but you will want better lights.

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You can pick up a cheap LED for about 200 bucks, why not spend the money on lighting and give yourself a fair chance. Look at the replacement cost for decent PC bulbs which you will need within a few months as the odyssey bulbs don't last long at all. I have owned several of their fixtures and they all sit under the bench in my shop awaiting DIY LED customization, one day.

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There was a new multi color LED fixture for 200 bucks shown off on reef builders that I was considering, it was a few days ago. Definately want to get different colored LEDs

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