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Advice for low light coral


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Hello everyone:

I'm very newbie for corals and I need some advice for which type of corals I can place in a very low light part of my tank, preferable LPS

My tank specs (if needed) is 40B gl./ 20gl sump/ 10 gl refugium. NWB-150 Skimmer and a single AI-Sol LED fixture.

Others: My tank still cycling, so there aren't livestock yet except for PODS and a mushroom hitchhicker

Tank is BB. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks

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NPS- Sun corals and dendros

LPS- Blastos?

Softies- Anthelia, Xenia, mushrooms, GSP

I like the idea to have mushrooms in that spot,too. Initially I place the mushroom hitchhicker that comes with my LR and he was always retracted in that spot. When I moved into the light was a different story, so, I don't know if other mushrooms species, or zoas maybe can react in the same way.

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7 times a day :happy: good luck




Couple times a week is plenty. Mysis, cyclopeeze, whatever. They're capable of ingesting pretty good sized chunks.

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Couple times a week is plenty. Mysis, cyclopeeze, whatever. They're capable of ingesting pretty good sized chunks.

much much better. I'll gonna do a research on that then. How about ball sponges? Are those hard to keep?

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Couple times a week is plenty. Mysis, cyclopeeze, whatever. They're capable of ingesting pretty good sized chunks.


+1. They don't need to be fed 7x a day. Just once a day would be plenty, or even once every other day. Make sure you've got your turkey baster ready and no cleaner shrimps or other inhabitants that might steal the coral's food!

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+1. They don't need to be fed 7x a day. Just once a day would be plenty, or even once every other day. Make sure you've got your turkey baster ready and no cleaner shrimps or other inhabitants that might steal the coral's food!

Very nice tank you have buddythelion. What is that thig in the second picture above your acans and left od your frogspawn?... The Yellow thing flames like?


Another option is a dendro - similar care, just more impressive looking that your standard tubastrea.

Is there any differences between the dendros and sun corals? size maybe? Or the sun likes to grown like a pot?

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Very nice tank you have buddythelion. What is that thig in the second picture above your acans and left od your frogspawn?... The Yellow thing flames like?

That's a torch coral, not a frogspawn. :)

And that's my BTA. It's one of my LFS' infamous GBTA that they've been propagating for years. The brightest neon green nem I've ever seen.






Is there any differences between the dendros and sun corals? size maybe? Or the sun likes to grown like a pot?

Diff between dendro and sun coral is that dendros (from my understanding) are slightly photosynthetic. They also are more likely to open in the daylight vs sun corals which open mostly at night. But both require frequent feedings. Just when you feed your fish be sure to blow some food their way. Pretty easy!

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Is there any differences between the dendros and sun corals? size maybe? Or the sun likes to grown like a pot?


I'm sure someone can get more in depth about the physiological differences but dendro's are generally significantly large, typically have somewhat more translucent tentacles, and stay open most of the time as opposed to at 'feeding time' like tubastrea (sun corals).





Tubastrea micrantha:



T. faulknerii:


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I'm sure someone can get more in depth about the physiological differences but dendro's are generally significantly large, typically have somewhat more translucent tentacles, and stay open most of the time as opposed to at 'feeding time' like tubastrea (sun corals).



Thank you for the ilustration. Tubastrea sp. it is then. Thank you to all of you guys


Now, if I place the Tubastrea on that spot (Bottom right side), where I can place a Hammer?

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I can see the hammer on the bottom left then. They don't need very high light.


Btw, what fans are those? They look perfect for my frag tank!

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