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Par30 on a 10gallon


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Would a Par 30 with 90 degree optics be good for a standard 10 gallon tank with soft corals and anemones. how high off the water should it be and also could sps and lps be kept under it easily.

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When you say anemones do u mean like a BTA or like... mushrooms? I'd go with a 60* maybe. It really depends on your rock scape. Obviously the lighting will be strongest directly under the lamp and get dimmer as you go outwards. a par30 can support SPS and definitely LPS. But again it depends on where you place it with regards to the "cone" of light.


It'll probably be need to be around 6 inches above the water. At least that's what I did with my 2 par30's on a 20L. Those were 60* optics tho.

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When you say anemones do u mean like a BTA or like... mushrooms? I'd go with a 60* maybe.

Yeah anemone would be Long tentacle, condy or BTA. The nem I have right now is in my avatar. Just wanted to know if SPS were okay in case I decide to upgrade in the future.


My GSP and nem thank you :)

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