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My torch cral has always stayed fully open from about two hours after I got it to about 2 weeks ago (I have had it 11 months). Now it retracts to the skeleton and only partially opens. Nothing has changed in my tank no new livestock,same water parameters, and new lights 5 months ago.

I did go on vacation about three weeks ago and my nitrates were higher than usual when I got back(10-20). Did my water changes as usual and nitrate are back to 0-5. could it be a lasting effect?

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Ive got the same thing with my frogspawn. It went from 2 heads at purchase 2 ears ago and is up to 8 heads now. Was always fully extended and a tank favorite. Now....It just wont open. My params are pristine, and everything else is happy. I dont know man, its got me beat. If you find out pass it along, im taggin along on this one :happy:

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My torch cral has always stayed fully open from about two hours after I got it to about 2 weeks ago (I have had it 11 months). Now it retracts to the skeleton and only partially opens. Nothing has changed in my tank no new livestock,same water parameters, and new lights 5 months ago.

I did go on vacation about three weeks ago and my nitrates were higher than usual when I got back(10-20). Did my water changes as usual and nitrate are back to 0-5. could it be a lasting effect?


Have you had or could you have had any temperature swings? You mentioned you were on vacation - did you keep the climate in your house the same while gone or could it have gotten hotter while away?

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Come to think of it Ive had temp swings. But none of my other coral had issues?


What other corals do you have? Torch corals aren't as hardy as say, mushrooms or xenia, which could take less than ideal conditions.


How big of temp swings are we talking? Even mine swings a degree or two a times, depending on the season/time of day.

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Mine does that from time to time. As long as it doesn't say like that for a few days or lose tissue, I wouldn't worry about it. If a sudden change has happened, I still wouldn't worry about it for another day or two.

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Mine does that from time to time. As long as it doesn't say like that for a few days or lose tissue, I wouldn't worry about it. If a sudden change has happened, I still wouldn't worry about it for another day or two.



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I have a torch, frogspawn, colt leather, pallys, and a blue ridge coral. The frogspawn is the one that wont open now. Its still allive, but has no poly extention like ever. The temp didnt drop, it rose. but even when it would stay between 79-81 it wont open. Ive had stable temps for a week str8 and it still wont open. The torch is fully extended as well as the rest of the coral. I dont understand

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No temp swings AC was on. I also have frogspawn thats fine.

Oh yeah I'd like to report a highjacked post hahaha!! Any and all posts with Q/A that may help me or anyone welcome.( thats why this forum is the best!!!)

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I have a torch, frogspawn, colt leather, pallys, and a blue ridge coral. The frogspawn is the one that wont open now. Its still allive, but has no poly extention like ever. The temp didnt drop, it rose. but even when it would stay between 79-81 it wont open. Ive had stable temps for a week str8 and it still wont open. The torch is fully extended as well as the rest of the coral. I dont understand

How long has it actually been closed? Perhaps a water change with all parameters matched (ph, salinity, temperature) may help. I still am standing by my expirince when I say if the tissue isn't receding, it's fine, but after a while there is usually somthing it isn't liking very much and my possibly resort to polyp bailout. . Euphylias generally go through periods of being jerks, for a lack of a better word but if it's been a week, somthing is bothering it.

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I dont actually think the tissue is receding. But, it is staying inside its skeleton alot. 2 heads more than others. It just has 0 extention what so ever. Its been like this 2 weeks now :o

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Try running carbon. In an 8 gallon, there isn't much space between corals. Quite possibly a weak, yet effective attack via chemical warfare.

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Overfeeding shouldnt be an issue for me, as I dont feed my tank any thing. I drop small clown food in maybe once a week. I dont does anything but calcium, and thats extremely rare as it is. So, I dudnno, maybe what Pat Said? Ill be moving components over to my AIO 20long that im working on soon. So, maybe that will help :D

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What other corals do you have? Torch corals aren't as hardy as say, mushrooms or xenia, which could take less than ideal conditions.


How big of temp swings are we talking? Even mine swings a degree or two a times, depending on the season/time of day.

My tank goes three to four degrees with two big frogspawns in tank never in 4 years has that been a problem...I have mine in the front of my tank on gravel bed plenty of flow from filter and nano korilla.

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