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Sump Plumbing Question, Please Help! =D


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How do I connect a CPR Overflow Box to a Flexible Tubing Hose? I stuck the hose into the bulkhead but it leaks. I saw someone put a PVC pipe into the bulkhead and then attach the hose to it with a clamp. Is this a good way of connecting the Hose to the bulkhead? Do I use some type of glue or tape to secure the PVC into the bulkhead?


This is the video that has the PVC pipe in the bulkhead:


Thanks for your help in advance!!

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Have you considered running over to home depot or lowes, and getting a reducer bushing to make it a nice snug pit for your flexible hose? Im assuming you are reffering to the bulk head on the bottom of the of that drains str8 down into your sump? If so, you should be able to get a good tight fit with the hose and no leaks?

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Hmm I just looked up "reducer bushing" and I don't think that will work because the threads are on the outside of the bulkhead. If I went with the way the person in the video has it, how would I secure the PVC pipe into the bulkhead?

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Hmm... Unless I'm not understanding something here I didn't think that tubing (assuming you mean vinyl tubing) was made to be compatible with ABS/PVC fittings.


Shoving a vinyl tube into a bulkhead is a recipe for disaster IMO.


I would definitely suggest buying a simple PVC reducer/adapter in the same size as your bulkhead (they should be compatible sizes) and glue it into the back of your bulkhead using Oatey multi-purpose PVC glue. You can buy a small bottle for like $3. Since it's ABS to PVC I would use the multi-purpose.


Then buy a hose barb (threaded or un-threaded, depending on the type of adapter you got) and use that to connect your vinyl hose to. You can secure it either with a stainless steel hose clamp or some zip ties pulled really tight.


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+1 What he said lol. That is exactly what I was saying. He just did a much better job of explaining it. I forgot to mention the bard piece. This is threaded on one side, and if matched with you vinyl tubing will allow a nice strong/sealed conection between the PVC and the vinyl tubing. This is what I did when I plumbed my first HOB OF and Sump. Very simple, clean, and efficient ;)

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For the hose. And just to clarify, I have the drain hose by CPR and it has PVC end tips, its not the clear vinyl tubing. Will the CPR drain hose work on the barb fitting?

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Not with the barb no it wont. I used a simple pvc bulk head at the bottom of the overflow box, with a barb sticking out of the bulk head. Then vinly tubing conecte to the barb. The tubing ran down to the sump, where it was once agian i na barb attached to another bulh head. Ill add a pic. Its really simple

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Heres a pic of what I did ( I used another peice of vinyl tubing to start a siphon from the tank straight over into the overflow) which was a pain in the A$% to get right, but when the siphone was successfully made it never failed. Yours may be better, I was just adding that info incase it helped as well. Anyhow, heres the pic!




I gotgot to lable to bottom 2 arrows....im still asleep lol. Just match the labels to the top. The thing with the threads is another barb, and the other piece is of course another bulk head. I had the hulkhead at the botom around the lid to m sump. It also assisted in holding my return tubing in place.

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Okay I understand now, I think. So theres a barb fitting that can connect to my bulkhead even though the threads are on the outside of the bulkhead and not the inside? I'll get vinyl tubing instead of the drain hose I have now and go with the barb fitting as long as it will connect to my bulkhead.

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If you need to just get a bushing, that reverses the threads. So it will be an extra piece on each end, but will ultimatly put your threads where they need to be. Which ever makes it work. This design should set you str8 though! Hope it helped :D

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Not a problem man, I love when Im actually of some use. Plumbis is one of the areas im good in! Made my day to be able to help out. In return ;) You can post your pics along the way with your build!!! :D

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I just finished the build =D. Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. I actually just when with a different size hose, heated it up, and then shoved it onto the bulkhead and clamped it. Works great! I was trying to find a barbed fitting but Home Depot, Lowes, and my local hardware store didn't have the right size but the hose works great and I'm so glad its done you don't even know LOL. Check out my build thread tomorrow when I post pictures when the lights come on: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=304298.

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Anything can leak or not leak if done properly or improperly. Pvs wont require glue, hose is undone easy, allows you to easily see any build up in the lines, and is flexible. Its much easier to train the hose into the area it must be placed in than PVC. Not doggin the previous post, this is just MO. I have always used hose in the past and Ive had great results. Now, if you were doing a much larger tank, PVC can be safer for such a large volume and more intense pressure. The choice is yours my friend :D

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