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For all you AI Sol users!


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I have decided to ditch my old light which was a Kessil a350 which I loved just wanted to upgrade. I am about to purchase a AI Sol Blue and have a few questions about how to mount the light. My tank (Solana 34g) is catacornered up against my bedroom wall and many of you know a Solana is rimless and I am limited to how I can hang this light without making it look tacky. I have seen many people use L-Brackets but in my case I cannot and I have also seen people hang these lights from the ceiling which I wanna stay away from because with my luck I would get out work and see it at the bottom of my tank :lol: . If worse comes to worse I can move the tank and put it flush with the wall but just give me some advice before I start moving crap around. Thanks.

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Check out my build (in my sig). Maybe it will help.

I think this actually just might have took the gold! I really appreciate it buddy :bowdown:

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I think this actually just might have took the gold! I really appreciate it buddy :bowdown:


I did the same thing 2 years back. You might be able to get it perfectly level but it always drove me NUTS. I couldn't get it perfect.

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I did the same thing 2 years back. You might be able to get it perfectly level but it always drove me NUTS. I couldn't get it perfect.

I will try my best to get it perfect because I am OCD about everything that I do and if it is not perfect it will drive me crazy! :lol:

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I think this actually just might have took the gold! I really appreciate it buddy :bowdown:


Glad I could help. If you have any questions just let me know.

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You've probably already decided but if you check out the first couple pics in my thread you will see how I hung mine. I did have to drill in the ceiling but the light is nice and centered and I prefer this look over the brackets on the wall.


I used the hanging kit from AI. I just basically found the center of the tank and made two holes equidistant from that point over the tank. If you're more curious about how I did it(more detailed explanation) I can provide you with pics/narration.


What I like/love about kit-looks/ease of install/adjustability(no issue making the fixture level, adjustments are really small increments)


What I did not like about kit-lack of instruction(had to watch 5min YouTube video about install)/had my LFS cut additional bracket to hold the Y portion of the wire, below the main line, where it is split.


Overall I love the look and was cake to install. Hope you find what your looking for.

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U can still use the l bracket, hey don't have to be straight with the tank, as long as they reach the holes for the screw ontop Of the module ur fine!

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Purchased the AI Sol Blue today from BRS and it should be here by Friday fingerscrossed . I will let all of you know how everything goes and hopefully soon I will start a thread on my tank progress as it matures. Thanks everyone :D

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Finally got my AI Sol today after chasing the UPS man around town :owned: . I just hung it from the ceiling and started playing with it and holy cow is this awesome or what! :D

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