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Anthias ID


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My LFS ordered Ventralis and this is one of the fish they sent instead.









My best guess is that this may be a juvi P. cooperi; I can't find a picture that matches exactly, but according to http://www.underwaterkwaj.com (this Anthias came from Kwajalein) their color "differs somewhat specimens photographed from other areas"


My other guess is P. rubrizonatus, but it's hard to find a picture of a juvenile

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Really? I think it's kinda boring/ugly

But it's small so it's still cute

I think it's very pretty, but I really love anthias. :wub:

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I looked at Bimasculatus, could be, I'm having trouble finding a picture of a juvenile.

Also, the spots on the tail are red


Did they say S. Ventralis was out of stock or you just feel it does not look as it should? ITs not a BiMac.

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Did they say S. Ventralis was out of stock or you just feel it does not look as it should? ITs not a BiMac.

No 3 came in, but the 3rd "Ventralis" was this guy

Juvi ventralis do not look like this

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No 3 came in, but the 3rd "Ventralis" was this guy

Juvi ventralis do not look like this



Im scared to play the ID game, I get too involved. Its not a Ventralis, but it does have a trait Ventralis have that not a lot of other Anthias do, and that is the rounded rear end of the dorsal fin.



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Im scared to play the ID game, I get too involved. Its not a Ventralis, but it does have a trait Ventralis have that not a lot of other Anthias do, and that is the rounded rear end of the dorsal fin.



Yes, but the front part of the dorsal fin is wrong


It's the red spots on the tail and purple pelvic and anal fins that are the confusing part

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Bicolors don't have the red tips on the tail or the purple anal and pelvic fins


I'll be honest in that anthiines are not my specialty. Identifying them aggravates me, lol, along with many fairy/flasher wrasses. I will say I've seen what were *supposed* to be P. bicolor morphs that have both purplish/bluish fins and red tail dots, though I worked at an LFS at the time I saw them. We received them mixed in with other, more textbook bicolors. Here's a site that has a few looking a bit more similar to what I'm talking about: http://e-photography.co.jp/Gallery/izu/izu_27.htm


This is assuming the ID there is correct. Again, I won't even pretend to be adept at identifying these fish, though. Beautiful fish and good luck IDing--there are all kinds of undescribed fish floating around to make things worse.

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Their range does not extend to the Marshall Islands/Kwajalein


I'll be honest in that anthiines are not my specialty. Identifying them aggravates me, lol, along with many fairy/flasher wrasses. I will say I've seen what were *supposed* to be P. bicolor morphs that have both purplish/bluish fins and red tail dots, though I worked at an LFS at the time I saw them. We received them mixed in with other, more textbook bicolors. Here's a site that has a few looking a bit more similar to what I'm talking about: http://e-photography.co.jp/Gallery/izu/izu_27.htm


This is assuming the ID there is correct. Again, I won't even pretend to be adept at identifying these fish, though. Beautiful fish and good luck IDing--there are all kinds of undescribed fish floating around to make things worse.

Oh fairy/flasher wrasses are the worst lol, there's too many of them!


That's a great website, thank you!

Those bicolors do look a lot like it except for the purple around the eye


This picture of a Stocky Anthias looks very similar,


but I had passed on Stocky's before in my search because most pictures of juvis look like this picture (from the same website)




Maybe it is a Stocky, as Cooper's don't have the purple around the eye. But looking at the above pictures, why is the first so different from the 2nd?

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Maybe it is a Stocky, as Cooper's don't have the purple around the eye. But looking at the above pictures, why is the first so different from the 2nd?


Lol, your guess is as good as mine. It could be lighting differences or a very radical color difference. It could even be the fish changed color in response to the photographer's presence or misidentified altogether.


If it lends any creedence, here's fishbase's take on this species: http://www.fishbase.us/Photos/ThumbnailsSummary.php?ID=8124


The color seems to be pretty variable even on preserved specimens.

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Yeah, I see everything from the traditional truncate tails all the way to one that looks rounded. Fishbase has been wrong on enough occasions...

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Bongo Shrimp

Pseudanthias hypselosoma (Indo-West Pacific)



One with more purple:




Maybe Pseudanthias taeniatus (Red Sea) but only the females look similar to yours and I think they have less purple (except the pic in my book of course)


Looking at the pics of the stocky again that ones looks very close too.

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