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Imadams DIY 20L AIO


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Ive been meaning to make a transfer from my 8 gallon bc to something a little more pleasing for a while now. After much thought and carefull consideration I decided to go with a 20 long. Ive purcased some acrylic, loctite aquarium safe silicone, and created my design for my false wall with fuge, overflow, and 2 return sections. Ill post a pic of the design below.


I was attempting to make a rimless, but hadnt used my brain for more than a battering ram when I tested the insertion of my false wall. I had a bulge that wasnt cut properly to measurement and I cracked the 20long after 3 hours of derimming and scraping away silicone. IT WAS SO SLICK!!! Now its busted :huh:


So, now I will attempt to make a non rimless 20 long, as Im not goign to risk tossing another 30$.


After purchasing some aquarium safe black spray paint for the insertion and back of tank (any ideas on a brand guys cause I dont know of any) I will spray paint it all up, and add it in for finishing the silicone job!


Here is a pic of the design, and If you know of a good spray paint please let me know! Ill add pics soon of my progress, but im in office now so its kinda not possible ;)a1ea436d.png?t=1344866378

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Krylon fusion is okay to use, but will scrape off whenever you clean the wall. Buy some smoked/ black fogged acrylic or better yet, a solid black acrylic sheet.

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I couldnt find any black acrylic at lowes, so I got clear =/


I will be painting the inside of the AIO filer black (will look black on inside, but the otherside of the acrylic will be the side painted! Outside of tank will be painted black as well, and never scrubbed so it whould be ok you think?


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Got a can of Krylon Fusion at Waly-World last night, and added 2 coats of paint to the AIO Fuge. Any tips on how to add cut in the slots for the overflow? I heard saw blades generate too much heat and causes the acrylic to melt back as you cut? :D

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Got a can of Krylon Fusion at Waly-World last night, and added 2 coats of paint to the AIO Fuge. Any tips on how to add cut in the slots for the overflow? I heard saw blades generate too much heat and causes the acrylic to melt back as you cut? :D

Usually that is with long cuts with a fast blade. Just for making teeth, a saw should work. Use one with adjustable speeds incase you see it melting.

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Alright, tank construction was completed over the weekend! A work of art if I may say so my self! Im very proud :D


Anyhow, enough chit chat, heres pics of the build ;)











The tank was filled all the way yesterday at about 5pm. No leaks, no flaws of any kind thus far. Looks wonderful!

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Question regarding this PAR38. Do you all think with 24 inches of tank room left for display (6 are occupied with the AIO Filter I built in) that one par 38 over the center left regiaon would be sufficent lighting for 2 small islands with sps, lps, softies, and over toward the right where the light is weak, I have no coral (or low light requiring ones such as acans) mostly just a sand bed. Basic question is will one par 38 light the left 75% of te tank, and I just leave the right portion empty? Im thinking it will, I jsut want some second opinions. I actually think this "sandy" area will look nice empty, and make the tank look a little larger!

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Also how high will it be above your tank? I think if it's high above but low enough to support coral you should be fine. but don't just go on what I think. And when you get it and decide its not enough you can always just order another one.

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Agreed. I dont know how high above the tank to set it. The tank is 12" deep so I figured maybe 10-12" above? Any input on this tennis or any one else? How high above a 20long I should place a par38 with 60 degree optics?

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Perfect, I suppose Ill position it to where I can get growth in as much of the tank as pisslbe on the left side, and leave the right side empty (unless I decide to get another light at some point). Does anyone know at about 10 inches above the tank, how large of a radiues one should be able to grow coral in? Like what the dimentions of aplicable growth space would be? 12x12x12?

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Sorry for the late response. I know the boostled lamp is about 12by12. But it really depends on how high you put it above your tank because you can put it 5" above your tank or you can put it 16" above your tank. You really have to experiment.

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I can def grow sps with this par38 at 60 deg. optics in a 20 long ehh? I hope so :o

I bought the wrong light if I cant! Im nervouse! Ive been in my BC8 for so long, I hope This isnt a big trial and error thing! Im just going to have faith in the 2 years of reef keeping/3 years of reading/studying that ive done helps me avoid mistakes!


My goal is a 20 gallon long fully mixed reef tank with a six line, and a pygmy angel. :D

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LEDTRiC PAR38 Zooman Full Spectrum came in yesterday!

I got the lamp fixture setup, tank cleaned up, and switched all livestock over from the BC8. Fuge is running, filtration is looking supah swell, coral look happy, and I added a 6-Line that seems to dig it too :D


Everything is looking great. I will be attempting sps for the first time soon, and cant wait to see if this light can hack it.


Anyone else used a PAR38 on a 20long and had success with SPS? Im curious as to what kind of results were had. The tank only has 24 inches longx12x12 display. The AIO filtration system I setup, eats up the back 6 inches of the tank. I realize some of you may be thinking that I should have 2 PAR38s, but ive got the light setup over an island on the left side of the tank where all the coral are. The right side is an empty sand bed that will have no coral, or only low light requiring ones such as zoas or acans.


So, whats your alls advice, success/non success stories with SPS and a setup like mine?

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LEDTRiC PAR38 Zooman Full Spectrum came in yesterday!

I got the lamp fixture setup, tank cleaned up, and switched all livestock over from the BC8. Fuge is running, filtration is looking supah swell, coral look happy, and I added a 6-Line that seems to dig it too :D


Everything is looking great. I will be attempting sps for the first time soon, and cant wait to see if this light can hack it.


Anyone else used a PAR38 on a 20long and had success with SPS? Im curious as to what kind of results were had. The tank only has 24 inches longx12x12 display. The AIO filtration system I setup, eats up the back 6 inches of the tank. I realize some of you may be thinking that I should have 2 PAR38s, but ive got the light setup over an island on the left side of the tank where all the coral are. The right side is an empty sand bed that will have no coral, or only low light requiring ones such as zoas or acans.


So, whats your alls advice, success/non success stories with SPS and a setup like mine?



you will be fine, i had just 3 par38's over my 40 breeder. Only need to light where coral is. The rest of the light will flood over to the sand. Its not like your growins sps on your sand at the edge of your tank.

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How's the coloration on that bulb and how large is the coverage? I am about to buy one and I'm still not sure the optics i am considering 60. And an fts would be really nice.

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ohh for sure. Im def no photographer, but I will do my best to capture the true colors. I can say this about the bulb. Its 5 blues, 2 whites, a red, and a green a believe (im not at home im in the office atm) The color it appears to display looks FANTASTIC. Ive got an actinic stunner strip over the tank too, and it adds just a little extra "pop." Looks wise im very satisfied. I just want to make sure I can grow SPS near the top on my little island!


From what I understand light coverage is about 12x12 at 10 inches above the tank (thats where mine is at) :D


Yeah, I suppose 12x12 is right, as thats about what the dimentions of the BC8 are, and people say this light is PERFECT for its dimentions. Its like 12x12x12 give or take just a tad. And the 20 long is 12 wide by 12 high, so same concept. YOu will be a little short on length, but like you said earlier. Im not growing anything on the far right side of the tank, so.....

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