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Growth or bleaching on this monti?


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i added this monti about a month ago and it has definitely grown in size, but im new to sps and leds. im assuming this white edges is growth but today i got a little paranoid thinking its possible it could be bleached, but i doubt it my AI Sol isnt cranked up even half powerpost-74152-1344789850_thumb.jpg

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the white only goes up to 30% since i heard that causes the majority of bleacing, its a 18x20x18 cube, the unit is mounted 10-12" above the waterline

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Actually it peaks at about 30w 38b 49rb. But the light runs closer to 11 hours bc I have a slow ramp up n down set


Forgot to mention I swapped the stock 40 optics for 70s all around

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Thanks alot. Still new to sps. This piece definitely has grown though. How long does it usually take for those edges to color up on new growth

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