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Pod Your Reef

Tanked 8/11/2012


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I am somewhat new to the hobby, but I was watching tanked tonight and it appeared that Tracy Morgan's tank was covered in aiptasia? Thought that was pretty funny.

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I like the show but coral inserts .... really? -_-


Agreed. I think that the ideas are neat sometimes, but I don't like that either. They built that one spade tank with live rock and coral. That was pretty cool.

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lol yeah I believe that's the one and only tank that I've seen them do with real coral.


Gotta love their acclimation process too.....just throw fish and coral all in in less than 5 minutes :lol:

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Gotta love their acclimation process too.....just throw fish and coral all in in less than 5 minutes :lol:


I know that is my biggest beef, but who knows it might be just the way they portray it on TV. In this particular episode they took the time to say that they allowed the tank to cycle basically, saying that they "let the water acclimate with the necessary levels of bacteria" or something on those lines.

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I know that is my biggest beef, but who knows it might be just the way they portray it on TV. In this particular episode they took the time to say that they allowed the tank to cycle basically, saying that they "let the water acclimate with the necessary levels of bacteria" or something on those lines.


Yes, it's because it is a TV show. They do acclimate the fish, but would that make for a good portion of the show? No, that's why you do not see it, but they are cycling everything like they are suppose to.

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Yes, it's because it is a TV show. They do acclimate the fish, but would that make for a good portion of the show? No, that's why you do not see it, but they are cycling everything like they are suppose to.

I agree who wants to watch someone acclimate a fish for 30-45 minutes? I personally think the show sucks and haven't watched it in months.

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I dont think most of the people who get those tanks want to mess with corals/lights/ and the general pain of a reef tank hence the inserts and fish only tanks.

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The only good ones

spade tank

other real reef tank

tank for kid having heart surgery

SD casino tan cause it was HUGE!

I have met them at a show, and asked them all about that. This was before season 2. They admitted that they were not happy how the producers edited the show, to make it look like they added tap water and salt and then just threw fish in. That's why its a bit different in season 2. You noticed that in this season they always add little tid bits of information about fish and stuff, but they make it sound like they are reading it off cue cards. LOL If you caught it, in last nights show, they did say that they did come back a different day to add the fish. "or some thing close to that". Also watch the tank in the back ground during interviews, how it can go from clear to cloudy and back to being clear all with in a 30 second interview. Its all in the editing.


But what about Fish Tank Kings, did any one see that one were every one got pissed off at that one guy because he didn't talk the customer into using a fake reef in the new custom tank they were building.

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Yes, it's because it is a TV show. They do acclimate the fish, but would that make for a good portion of the show? No, that's why you do not see it, but they are cycling everything like they are suppose to.


I realize that but throughout all of the episodes I don't recall them every saying anything about cycling or acclimating. I dunno maybe I just missed it .....

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