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Why do I have phosphates now but didn't before?


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Just tested my tank water and the phosphate was at .25. Every other time it has been at 0, and now all the sudden its at .25, so I went ahead and tested the RO water I got from my LFS and it has .25 of phosphates in it. I believe they only have RO not RO/DI water. I don't understand why they're water would all the sudden have .25 of phosphate in it. There machine was down for like 2 weeks so I don't know if that has anything to do with it and I do have a CUC in my tank. 1 blue legged hermit, 2 Nassarius snails, 1 flordia cerith, and 1 astrea snail.

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Just tested my tank water and the phosphate was at .25. Every other time it has been at 0, and now all the sudden its at .25, so I went ahead and tested the RO water I got from my LFS and it has .25 of phosphates in it. I believe they only have RO not RO/DI water. I don't understand why they're water would all the sudden have .25 of phosphate in it. There machine was down for like 2 weeks so I don't know if that has anything to do with it and I do have a CUC in my tank. 1 blue legged hermit, 2 Nassarius snails, 1 flordia cerith, and 1 astrea snail.


Your LFS probably need to change the filters in their R/O units...

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Do you know of any other stores that carry RO water? Do most Walmarts or similar suppliers? Is distillled an okay alternative till I find good RO water?

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Do you know of any other stores that carry RO water? Do most Walmarts or similar suppliers? Is distillled an okay alternative till I find good RO water?



Distilled is perfect if you can't find any RO/DI water.

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That works since I know my Walmart carries distilled and I'm just going to start mixing my own saltwater then. I'm glad I caught this problem early. Off to Walmart I go. :)

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So I got the green capped 'RO' water from Walmart and mixed it with Instant Ocean Reef Salt. I did a 20% water change last night, tested my phosphates and they are still at .25. I made sure to test the Walmart water and it has zero phosphates in it. Now how do I go about getting my phosphates down to 0? I have some livestock so I don't think a 100% water change is an option, unless it is?

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I was looking at what http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/ sells, but I couldn't find how low can you go with there granular type products. If you also have nitrates you could set up a bio pellet reactor and slowly bring it back down. You could try carbon dosing, but if you do, read up on it. Never tried it myself. If you know your source water and salt mix has no phosphates you could step up the water changes over the next month or so. I don't think you will want to go to zero, but some place around .04ppm will be ideal. Depending on if you want coral growth.

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I recently got my water from house of tropicals too. Thanks for the heads up and i will check my water tomorrow. Will prob need to do a large water change. Or throw some phosban in.

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So I got the green capped 'RO' water from Walmart and mixed it with Instant Ocean Reef Salt. I did a 20% water change last night, tested my phosphates and they are still at .25. I made sure to test the Walmart water and it has zero phosphates in it. Now how do I go about getting my phosphates down to 0? I have some livestock so I don't think a 100% water change is an option, unless it is?
The pink cap distilled is a better choice IMO. Better yet, get your own RO/DI unit.


A 20% change should lower the level from 0.25 tp 0.20, if your test kit can distinguish between the two. I'd do a MUCH larger water change (yes, even up to a 100% change). Just move everything into 5 gallon buckets, siphon out the rest of the water, replace with new (with matched temp and salinity), and return your livestock. I'd leave the rock and sand in the tank (undisturbed).

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

I had horrible phosphate problems and got an outbreak of hair algae really bad in my 25 gallon AIO. After setting up two reactors in my tank, it rid my problem!


Now I can continue feeding my fish like before without the concern on the hair algae ever coming back!

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I recently got my water from house of tropicals too. Thanks for the heads up and i will check my water tomorrow. Will prob need to do a large water change. Or throw some phosban in.


No problem. Glad I was able to help some people out with my post. HOT isn't what its cracked up to be IMO.



The pink cap distilled is a better choice IMO. Better yet, get your own RO/DI unit.


A 20% change should lower the level from 0.25 tp 0.20, if your test kit can distinguish between the two. I'd do a MUCH larger water change (yes, even up to a 100% change). Just move everything into 5 gallon buckets, siphon out the rest of the water, replace with new (with matched temp and salinity), and return your livestock. I'd leave the rock and sand in the tank (undisturbed).


Hi Seabass,

I'm just curious as to why the pink cap water is better in your opinion? I researched a little on here before buying either/or and read that there was little difference (if any) between the pink and green capped Walmart water. I don't think my test kit can distinguish between the two (i'm using API), but I will definitely get on a 100% water change. I definitely don't want to get any more hair algae.

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haha i was just using crap water to cycle with. there is a water machine near my supermarket that has RO water. and i have red sea coral salt.

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Are you using the API phophate test by any chance? If you are, go and get a better one. The API test is not accurate enough.

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Are you using the API phophate test by any chance? If you are, go and get a better one. The API test is not accurate enough.


I am. What other options for tests are out there? or that you prefer?

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The range we are interested in is more 0 to less than 0.1ppm or so. The API kit giving you 0.25ppm just tells you that you have some phosphates. Good phosphate test kits that are accurate at this low a range are expensive.


The Hanna ULR Phosphorous checker is OK and less expensive than some of the better chemical test kits. It is also more accurate than the Hanna phosphate checker but you need to convert the reading from ppb phosphorous to ppm phosphate.


Otherwise, the Salifert kit is pretty decent.

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