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Skunk Cleaner and Peppermint Compatible?


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Did some research and it seems a Skunk Cleaner and Peppermint ARE Compatible, just wondering if anyone has any personal experience housing these two together? I've had my Pepp for almost two weeks, just wondering if he will be territorial and fight the skunk. It's only a 25 gallon so they will be seeing plenty of eachother

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a tank that size you should be fine. I have a 28g nano cube and have introduced (in this order): skunk, fire, pep, tiger pistol.


They all get along just fine with the exception of my fire sometimes lunging at my skunk if he gets too close, but it ends at that. It is harmless.



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I've had them both together in a 29 gallon. No problems at all. The pepermints, from what I've seen, are naturally shy. I'd only see them if I really made a point to cram my neck between the wall and the back of the tank where they liked to hide. The skunk was front and center always, and acted much more like a fish than a shrimp with the way he swam around. I think he thought he was a clown.

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I have 3 peppermints and 1 cleaner in my 29 gallon tank back home, never had any issues. Like others have said peppermints tend to hide in the shadows where cleaners are mostly out front giving a show.

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I have 3 peppermints and 1 cleaner in my 29 gallon tank back home, never had any issues. Like others have said peppermints tend to hide in the shadows where cleaners are mostly out front giving a show.


I had a peppermint shrimp then added a larger skunk a month later into invert only environment. Immediately the peppermint started trouble with the skunk who wanted to be left alone. You know how u stick in your hand and they're all over it? That's how he was towards the skunk. I saw them constantly bumping heads and after a week peppermint was dead and cuc finished him off rather quickly


(peppermint was a food hog and ran the show before I got the skunk -- skunk is like a stronger more powerful version of the peppermint and less curious)



I would say they are compatable but with caution. Mines was in a 6 gal so they had to run into each other constantly, and they were both the fastest when food comes in verses my snails and crabs and would go crazy trying to collect all the food b4 anything else could get to it. My peppermint would gather up everything then lose it to the water flow cause he got too greedy and tried to hold more thAn he could handle

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I have 4-Peppermints 2-Skunk cleaners and 1-Male coral banded shrimp in my 125. Every one gets along just fine. But it is a larger system so that may play a part of it :)

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If you want to see a shrimp that they will all love and tolerate throw in a glass shrimp


And by love and tolerate I mean eat

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