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Coral Vue Hydros

My First Saltwater Tank, mostly LPS


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I have had my my tank up and running for almost 3 months now. It is my first Saltwater Tank set-up.

Although i had been keeping fresh water tanks for some time....


The contents of the tank came from a smaller tank that i started to cycle for 3 weeks until i decided that it was simply too small for me to appreciate and in terms of maintenance took too much time. And of course i couldn't fit in much stuff i a small tank.




Tank: 46cm wide x 38cm depth x 45cm high = 74 liters effective

Circulation: Ecotech Vortech MP10

Lighting: Zetlight LED (white), Royal Blue LED strip (forgot the brand)


Sump: 20 liters, 2 section

ATO: Aqueamedic

Protein Skimmer: Skimz Monzter SH1

Auto water Chiller

Passive Bag of Zeolite, activated Charcoal and purigen.


First batch of corals that I have added, mostly the green hammer and the frogspawn.







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Nice clean set up. Im guessing your from europe. If im correct your tank under 20 gallons and those clarkiis will outgrow your tank fast.

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Nice clean set up. Im guessing your from europe. If im correct your tank under 20 gallons and those clarkiis will outgrow your tank fast.


Hi, thanks.... Actually I'm from Hong Kong... which is a previous British colony... the tank is 20 U.S. gallon, so less with scaping.


Yep, the clarkiis will grow bigger, so i'm not really adding any more fish to this.... hope to have a larger tank by that time :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
Great looking tank. How old is your sand? It so clean, what are your tips?

Thanks TankManJay,

My tank is almost 4 months old now... with regards with the sand, i disturb it a bit during my weekly tank cleaning so that the stuck detritus gets sucked into the sump....

There has been a time when it has been brown due to diatoms but it disappeared..... also a good overall tank circulation makes sure that there's no dead spot where detritus can stay, (the largest of my liverocks are actually supported by smaller ones underneath so that water can actually circulate, and the set-up of the liverock is an island so there is constant all around movement) position and the flow from my inpipe and powerhead actually is enough to keep my sand clean.



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offtopic.. but man do i miss hong kong.. lol by the way.. great looking tank.. im suprised you have the space for that sized tank in HK..

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offtopic.. but man do i miss hong kong.. lol by the way.. great looking tank.. im suprised you have the space for that sized tank in HK..

Thanks trippinsting, yeah HK's pretty interesting place to live in, even though space is often times an issue.......

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I love your landscaping. Just curious, is your camelback shrimp eat your coral before?


Hi Akiowalt,

Thanks... yes, those camelback shrimps do pick on my corals.... they have been nipping on my small zoas, at the lower right.... if i should have known that before i wouldn't have placed them in my tank...

but now i couldn't catch them.


so far the only damage is on the zoas..... if they do more damage probably i'll fish them out.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

New LED Lights....

New LED Lights....


For New Year, I replaced the China brand LED fixture that i am using (warm white 6,500K) with an Eco-lamp KR90, supplemented with two KR96 (blue and white).....

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  • 1 year later...

2014 tank update…… I had not been keenly maintaining the nano cube for some months awhile, due to a lot of issues at work and at home. So it had not been taken cared much for about three or four months, like i used to.


Good thing was that i had only two fish during those time… Macro algae in the sump had more than doubled… and had been trimming the ones in the display. I no longer had the SPS corals i had before and i was only left with the LPS and the soft corals that I had originally…. i had only been able to change water once in 6 months….


A Year older….

A year older….

This past two weeks, when I test the water…. figures were still quite good, a little below the ideal with the mg… (my auto top off is still kalkwasser so the calcium and alkalinity is ok) … so in a span of two weeks i did a 10% water change every 2 days….. and by New Year eve, although my only plan was to clean up the tank i wasn't able to help my self and added some corals….


Recent tank update

Recent Tank update….

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For New Year, I replaced the China brand LED fixture that i am using (warm white 6,500K) with an Eco-lamp KR90, supplemented with two KR96 (blue and white).....

what a difference!

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  • 1 year later...


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