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Cultivated Reef

How to add and remove rock?


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Ok so I dont have much in my tank as of right now besides 4 pieces of corals bc of a recent outbreak of ich so now that my tank is fallow i figured i would add more rock into the tank and remove other rocks that i dont want in there. im doing this mainly bc i hate my aquascape and its a bunch of small pieces that i first purchased when i got into the hobby a few months back. i figured this would be a good way for me to change things up and go for something that would be pleasing in my eyes.


my question is. how do i go about doing this? i know i could go ahead and add rocks but when could i start taking the unwatned rocks out and how quickly could i do this. i currently have 25 lbs of rock in a 25g tank

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We need a little more information.

Is the rock cured or is it dry rock?

How old is the rock?

What is your livestock?


Changing out rocks needs to be done slowly because it can cause a cycle and you will be living a nightmare. If the rocks are not cycled i would put them in a tub with saltwater, heater and a powerhead and them cycle until all of your levels are 0 and then start taking rocks out little by little and piece by piece.

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i already have an established tank wtih rocks in it. i am wanting to add dry rock to it. and again as stated before i dont have any fish in the tank but i have 4 pieces of coral in it right now

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Then you will need to cure the rock before you add it to your display! As you know dry rock does not have any bacteria on it and it will cause a cycle and 99.9% wreck your tank.

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I add the new dry rock to the tank, wait a week, and then start pulling old rock out slowly over the course of several days. I've done this three times, with no ill effects.

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