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Please id the green stuff


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Please id the f**king green thing from the rocks and sand. It doesn't look like pest algae to me, it's smooth and it looks more like coralline...and it's driving me insane. What do you think?


There are undetectable amounts of phosphates, nitrites & nitrates. pH around 8.2, salinity 34-35, temp 78-80F. The flow in this tank is over 500gal/h (theoretical value).


Will be replacing the substrate with tropic eden reef flakes, last attempt before switching to BB.





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Great tank, regardless of the id you get I would not take action on that for at least another month, tank is too new and you are lucky it looks so good right off the bat

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Great tank, regardless of the id you get I would not take action on that for at least another month, tank is too new and you are lucky it looks so good right off the bat


I appreciate your comments. The substrate is kind of new, over a month old, the tank(s) is more like 6 months old. At the end of the day, the corals are doing great, i think. The torch, the hammer and the zoas were introduced in the tank 2 days ago, already open and eating fine. The corals from the right tank have never been better.


I ordered the new substrate from premium aquatics few hours ago, i would be seeding it with live rock for a month anyway before making the switch.


Just to make sure, I've tested again for phosphates half an hour ago.


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Also you might like to know that no seeding is necessary...if you just want to lift out the corals and the rocks, set them on a towel, switch out the sandbed (rinse it well first=no dust storm) then you can set it all back up. The reason is because the substrate bacteria isnt the tripping point for ammonia in your system, thats a low bioload tank. The tank would run as a bare bottom with just the live rock and coral you have, and the bacteria in the water and on the tank walls, thats why the substrate doesn't matter as a filtration source either way.


if you want to wait a month thats fine, but in case you didn't you can seed that sand -in- your tank not before and you won't measure ammonia either way.

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Good to know. I was also doing to make sure the new substrate doesn't leak phosphates.


I'm not a huge fan of BB tanks, but I'll might switch to BB in the right tank where is more difficult to vacuum the substrate or to stir it every other day, especially under the reefpack200 and go with a 1-1.5 inch substrate in the left tank.

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