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While you guys are identifying corals, take a look @ these


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All of these came along with this 40b I bought from a lady off CL. Bought the tank 2/3 mo ago, didn't see them starting to take on color until maybe 3/4 weeks ago. What are they?



Some type of Lobo?



Red in color, might not be able to see real clear here...plating type coral...



Can see the 3 live heads above on this one (red) and skeletons below...



3 heads, green in the middle, red on outer



Encrusting type..green mostly, red polyps...



Already know what this guy is, he doesn't come out much though, so figured I'd snap a pic of him & his buddy

:D :D :D :D

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Where is


When I need him?


He's busy banging hookers in Taiwan, I have no clue about the corals, except the first looks like a candy cane or lobo, I'd say lobophyllia

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"Encrusting type..green mostly, red polyps..."


This is definately cyphastrea, or meteor shower. I'd never seen this one before, until I picked up a chunk of it at the LFS yesterday. It doesn't need much light, even under pc.

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Seriously, the green and red looks a lot like some nice colored blastos.

Thanks Patty :wub:


"Encrusting type..green mostly, red polyps..."


This is definately cyphastrea, or meteor shower. I'd never seen this one before, until I picked up a chunk of it at the LFS yesterday. It doesn't need much light, even under pc.

2 down, 4 to go! Thanks!

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The first looks like some Lobophyllia as you said. The second would likely be some plating Montipora species (many call any plating Montipora "capricornis", but that isn't neccesarily the case). No. 3 looks like Blastomussa wellsi. No. 4 is Cyphastrea and No. 5 looks like some Acanthastrea or similar mussid. No. 6 is some Periclemenes species--pic is a little blurry to be certain. No idea on what zoanthid morph those are in the last pic. I don't keep track of any of them.

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one and four could be acans, i'd need a better pic. two is certainly a plating monti, and 5 is a cyphastrea aka galaxy coral

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