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Coral Vue Hydros

What to do with a 4 gallon tank?


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I have an Aqueon Evolve 4 gallon (acrylic) that I am trying to sell on craigslist, but no one seems interested. It has a carbon filter, powerhead, heater, and stock lighting with 3 of the white LED's burned out. It was a saltwater coral reef tank for about 8 months, but most coral in it eventually died, so I don't think the lighting is very good in it.


I have about 6 pounds of dry rock and 10 pounds of dry sand as well.


My two options are:

1. Sell it to the LFS for $35 in-store credit (my LFS is amazing, so its useful)

2. Do something with it!


Would you just sell it to the LFS? What else can I do? I have a 16 gallon that I am cycling, so its not like I can just transfer frags and some LR over into it. The lighting doesn't seem sufficient enough for a lot of things. I don't want to spend a lot of money, but if you guys can think of something neat, I might invest a little in it.


What about dwarf seahorses? I was reading this and it sounds doable/fairly cheap:



Here's a current pic of it:



Any ideas?

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If you do dwarf seahorses, remember that they need to be fed often, and typically only eat live, freshly hatched baby brine shrimp.

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Softy tank

I would consider it, but I don't think the lighting is good enough, honestly. The zoas, mushrooms, and toadstool I had in it before did not do so well.


Mini planted tank....

This I never thought of. The only freshwater tank I have done was guppies when I was 10. I'm going to do more research on this! Thank you.


Research, research, and then some more research, finally culminating into a dwarf seahorse tank!



If you do dwarf seahorses, remember that they need to be fed often, and typically only eat live, freshly hatched baby brine shrimp.

Well, seeing as how I travel fairly often, the seahorse idea is out.


Mantis/Pest tank! You can thank me later...

I've thought of this. I'm ashamed to admit I'm a little afraid of them. I've also heard they make strange noises... I will be doing more research, though.


Another idea I thought of was a sexy shrimp tank! I had one before and I thought they were the coolest things!


Thank you guys for the ideas :) I will be researching and let you know!

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I am scared of them too! I was actually hammered by one of them and it cracked my nail..my friend told me he had a hand fed goby that you can reach down and feed..so i was like, cool...yeah...


And i meant a saltwater planted tank...i find tidal pool tanks fun as well.

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I have an Aqueon Evolve 4 gallon (acrylic) that I am trying to sell on craigslist, but no one seems interested. It has a carbon filter, powerhead, heater, and stock lighting with 3 of the white LED's burned out. It was a saltwater coral reef tank for about 8 months, but most coral in it eventually died, so I don't think the lighting is very good in it.


I have about 6 pounds of dry rock and 10 pounds of dry sand as well.


My two options are:

1. Sell it to the LFS for $35 in-store credit (my LFS is amazing, so its useful)

2. Do something with it!


Would you just sell it to the LFS? What else can I do? I have a 16 gallon that I am cycling, so its not like I can just transfer frags and some LR over into it. The lighting doesn't seem sufficient enough for a lot of things. I don't want to spend a lot of money, but if you guys can think of something neat, I might invest a little in it.


What about dwarf seahorses? I was reading this and it sounds doable/fairly cheap:



Here's a current pic of it:



Any ideas?


Purple Lobster Tank!

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And i meant a saltwater planted tank...i find tidal pool tanks fun as well.

Oh! I never thought of that. Will be researching it :D


Purple Lobster Tank!

OMG! Had not considered this either. Definitely on the list.

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  • 7 months later...



I set this one up three months ago, but I ditched the stock aquacon light. I replaced it with a cheap marine land 11in LED. I think two of them would work better though. The marineland is not the greatest still. It works ok, my corals are living. I added a small powerhead on a timer, it turns on for a half hour 3 times a day. I've had reefs for years and simple is best. I just never had one this small. It's super easy compared to a monster tank.

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