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Coral Vue Hydros

Six line wrasse 10 gallon (5 gallon display) Way too small right?


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So I got a six-line wrasse yesterday and put it in my 10 gallon (5 gallon display) with 2 clowns, and it looks happy but I'm pretty sure my tank is way too small. Here is a pic and just confirm if this is an enormous issue. Please be nice. I will take it back. I'm really wondering how long it will be ok in there. I'm going on vacation for 4 days.


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Take it back before it dies and you get stuck with it., Your clowns will more than likely outgrow that small of a tank as well., But the wrasse for sure is no good in there. Id be looking in the small gobie section if I were you and dead set on packing that little box with fish.

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Not trolling. I was told it would be fine. And then I saw it in there and I was like oh god it does not belong in here. And the clowns should be fine their growth will get stunted by the tank size.

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And the clowns should be fine their growth will get stunted by the tank size.

Nope. Doesn't work like that with sw fish


GTFO of nano reef plz


No need to be rude..

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And the clowns should be fine their growth will get stunted by the tank size.

And you really think this is ok? That doesn't exactly work the way you think it does.Fish that live in too small of tanks die because of it, so they don't have the chance of getting full size. A 5g is too small for a single clownfish, much less a pair of them. Move up in size to keep one, and 15g or so for two should be baseline.


Nope. Doesn't work like that with any fish

ftfy. :flower:

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^^^^^ are you going to be getting the live stream of the tank back up???

Trying to figure out how much signal loss I can expect from needing a 30ft USB extension cable from where my display tank is to where my server is. :/

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Trying to figure out how much signal loss I can expect from needing a 30ft USB extension cable from where my display tank is to where my server is. :/


that sounds tricky, anyway hope it comes back soon!

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Be nice NR peeps. :D


Bro, try some clown gobies. They come in nifty colors, and have good personality. Hope this helps, and happy reefing!

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I really am pretty educated and very considerate of the well being of my livestock. This was a blunder. But it is fixable. I am simply going to take it back to the lfs today.

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I really am pretty educated and very considerate of the well being of my livestock. This was a blunder. But it is fixable. I am simply going to take it back to the lfs today.

Thought you ate it. :P

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I really am pretty educated and very considerate of the well being of my livestock. This was a blunder. But it is fixable. I am simply going to take it back to the lfs today.

You blundered not once, not twice, but thrice?



Where are you getting this edjumacation from?

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Wanted to let yall know the six line is back at the LFS and doing fine. Jesus Christ some of you guys are more dramatic than 8th grade girls. And I am going to trade the clown pair in next year to the lfs for credit. BTW, my parameters are great and the fish look happy, and they should stay happy for the next year, and if they at any time start showing signs of not being content I will give them up right away. IM A RATIONAL PERSON!!!

And I got my edjumacation from yall. I should have looked more closely into advice for fish stocking, but otherwise I would say I know quite a bit now after two years of building up an AIO tank/arduino controlled lighting system from scratch!

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