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Coral Vue Hydros

New BC29 HELP!


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Hey NR community!


I'm glad to be back in the "fish game" after about 10 years away... That being said, I think I made a couple big mistakes in regards to my new tank and some of the advice I recv'd from my LFS :huh:


When I bought my BC I filled it with:

15 lbs of Carib live sand

30 lbs of premium live rock ($8/lb)

conditioned tap water

reef crystals salt (1.024+/-)


Here's where things get tricky... My LFS advised me to cycle the tank using 2 small damsels and get them eating and creating waste. After a week, the fish were doing well but I really didn't care for damsels. I took them back into my LFS and swapped out for 2 false clowns... The kid working at the shop said a cleaner shrimp would also be a good addition to my new tank. Well fast forward 2 weeks and I added a 6 line (my own mistake) and a mushroom rock and polyps.


So I found this forum and I'm feeling pretty silly for all these rookie mistakes going on here but nothing is dead... nothing even looks bad except the brown algae on the sand and rocks...


Oh btw, since the start up, I'm using RO water and I've water changed 10 gallons 3 times.


Let's hear it, how screwed is my tank??

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I'm reading this and honestly everything sounds really great. Where's the rookie mistakes other than the tap water?


How long did you wait before adding in the fish? Nothing's wrong with a 6 line either, they're a firm favorite on this forum (for those who don't mind their slight aggressive behavior). Cleaner shrimps are a fav among nano reefers too and should be fine if it's large enough. If the sixline is picking on him, then that's a bummer. Just take the sixline or shrimp out, easy fix.


Using RO to mix your salt is great, make sure it's 0 ppm or somewhere around there. A TDS meter is an easy and extremely simple way to test your water. Costs about $20 on amazon, free shipping if you have prime, and is a great tool to have. 10 gallon water changes is pretty large, I recommend 5 gal once a week. But definitely not needed right now as your tank cycles. Maybe 3 weeks in go for it, and just take things slow. Sounds like your LFS, if they recommended you the sand, rocks, salt, etc knows what they're talking about and there are far far worse horror stories. This is not bad at all!


What are you running for lights and filtration? And pics of the cube? :)

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Thank you for the insight, and maybe I didn't make this part very clear in my hasty typing on my lunch hour... But the tank has only been up for barely 2 weeks. Isn't that hardly enough time to cycle let alone have all that livestock?

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I'm reading this and honestly everything sounds really great. Where's the rookie mistakes other than the tap water?


How long did you wait before adding in the fish? Nothing's wrong with a 6 line either, they're a firm favorite on this forum (for those who don't mind their slight aggressive behavior). Cleaner shrimps are a fav among nano reefers too and should be fine if it's large enough. If the sixline is picking on him, then that's a bummer. Just take the sixline or shrimp out, easy fix.


Using RO to mix your salt is great, make sure it's 0 ppm or somewhere around there. A TDS meter is an easy and extremely simple way to test your water. Costs about $20 on amazon, free shipping if you have prime, and is a great tool to have. 10 gallon water changes is pretty large, I recommend 5 gal once a week. But definitely not needed right now as your tank cycles. Maybe 3 weeks in go for it, and just take things slow. Sounds like your LFS, if they recommended you the sand, rocks, salt, etc knows what they're talking about and there are far far worse horror stories. This is not bad at all!


What are you running for lights and filtration? And pics of the cube? :)


Is R/O water required? I can't afford one ATM and use conditioned tap water and everything seems to be doing great. Can you recommend any decent RO/DI thats not to costly?

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Thank you for the insight, and maybe I didn't make this part very clear in my hasty typing on my lunch hour... But the tank has only been up for barely 2 weeks. Isn't that hardly enough time to cycle let alone have all that livestock?

2 weeks sounds early imo, I'd wait for a month. Just leave it there with everything running, no lights, and just let the water cycle. The clowns and the shrooms should be fine, as they are very hardy. The cleaner shrimp, being an invert might struggle a bit. Hope for the best! And remember, don't overfeed! More details on what you're doing with the tank (equipment and what you're feeding the fish, etc) will also let us fellow reefers guide you on your tank.


Is R/O water required? I can't afford one ATM and use conditioned tap water and everything seems to be doing great. Can you recommend any decent RO/DI thats not to costly?

R/O is definitely preferred. Conditioned tap water, from my understanding, takes out the chlorines and harmful metals in the water. It does not, however, take away the rest of the junk such as phosphates. Your tank should have phosphates as close to 0, and using RO/DI makes that goal a whole lot easier. You don't have to have an RO/DI unit if costs are too high, and someone can chime in a good unit but in the mean time just getting some from your local water store should be good if you test it. Only about 60c a gallon? Like I mentioned earlier, a TDS meter is only $20 some on amazon, and you should def check your water! I tested tap and it was 300+ ppm, huge diff from 0 ppm. TDS meter is a worthy investment to help your livestock (which I'm sure is already more than $20). Hope that helped?


Just a quick pic on my iPhone before I ran out the door


Tank looks great and everything looks good btw. My personal opinion though, the scape could be better. Looks like a wall, lol. But it's just my opinion!

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haha thanks Buddy, never claimed to be an interior decorator haha! As far as filtration and lighting, the tank is stock so power compact and LED lights and then BC carbon filter and bioballs with a sponge in chamber 3.

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Also- cleaning the sand is easy with a vacuum during the water change but the film on the rocks just doesn't go away even when using a baster to get it free... Any suggestions? B/c of the current bioload I'm hesitant to add a CUC.


Thanks all!

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