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Pod Your Reef

LPS ID......I got a few of them :P


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Ok so I just bought a tank off craigslist, and the lady called everything either mushrooms or candy canes lol.....Definitely not!

So the first one, I think is an acan?


There are two I'm curious about in this one......the one at the bottom right of the skimmer, and the one to the left between the first and the toadstool, I believe its a blasto?


My favorite....anyone know what type of brain this is?


And this is not GSP.....it sends out sweeper tentacles and all the little tentacles are constantly moving, even in low flow.....Ideas?


Thanks in advance, and sorry for the crappy pics!

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I would be careful of the placement of the galaxea... it has a nasty sting that can reach quite a bit.

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I would be careful of the placement of the galaxea... it has a nasty sting that can reach quite a bit.


Im going to move it over to it's own side of the tank right now :)

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