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How's this lighting schedule?


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I am trying to figure out a lighting schedule for my tank...how's this?

The PAR30 is pointing at an angle into the tank, so it really isn't throwing out much light.

The PAR38 is pointing at the center.

1:00 PM PAR30 ON (1) CW (4) RB

3:00 PM PAR38 ON (6) 455nm RB, (2) 6500K CW, (2) 420nm TV, (1) 660nm DR, (1) 495nm C

9:00 PM PAR38 OFF (6) 455nm RB, (2) 6500K CW, (2) 420nm TV, (1) 660nm DR, (1) 495nm C

10:00 PM PAR30 OFF (1) CW (4) RB

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looking better?


1:15 PM PAR30 ON (1) CW (4) RB

2:00 PM PAR38 ON (6) 455nm RB, (2) 6500K CW, (2) 420nm TV, (1) 660nm DR, (1) 495nm C

9:45 PM PAR38 OFF (6) 455nm RB, (2) 6500K CW, (2) 420nm TV, (1) 660nm DR, (1) 495nm C

10:15 PM PAR30 OFF (1) CW (4) RB


btw this is for an 11.4 gallon tank (18.9" x 11.8" x 11.8")

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Awesome, I am hoping to get some better growth for my tank. I ran my PAR30 by itself on the tank for a couple months, and then I upgraded to a JBJ Unibody. I had the Unibody over my tank from January to July and throughout this entire time, I practically had zero growth.


I recently sold the Unibody and bought an LEDtric full spectrum PAR38. Now I'm using the full spectrum as my main light and my old PAR30 as actinic lightning...I hope I start seeing some better growth :D

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should work! post pics please!

My phone's camera is horrible at taking pics of my tank but my roommate's phone actually does a decent job. Whenever he gets back, I'll update this and my build thread with pics.


hopefully one day I can get my hands on an actual camera :)

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