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Cultivated Reef

Some type of anemone?


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Hey all! Sorry for the [fail] picture, I tried to get a decent picture when my iphone but it just wouldn't come out right having to zoom in because of this thing's location.... it's hard to see in the picture but it's on the right beside the rock.




It's some kind of anemone (I think) living in my sand. It's hidden during the day, but when I turn my light on at night it's there with it's little tenticles. It's light brown/blends in with my sand and really small--about the size of a dime.


If this isn't enough to help i'll try to take another [fail] picture tomorrow night.


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Hey all! Sorry for the [fail] picture, I tried to get a decent picture when my iphone but it just wouldn't come out right having to zoom in because of this thing's location.... it's hard to see in the picture but it's on the right beside the rock.




It's some kind of anemone (I think) living in my sand. It's hidden during the day, but when I turn my light on at night it's there with it's little tenticles. It's light brown/blends in with my sand and really small--about the size of a dime.


If this isn't enough to help i'll try to take another [fail] picture tomorrow night.



Pic is kinda blurry, but it sounds very similar to a halcampid or edwardsiid anemone. I have quite a few of these, myself. They have relatively few tentacles and have their foot inserted in the sand. They don't have a suction cup-like foot like many anemones and are only capable of living in the sand. I've noticed that they can and will reproduce, but at a much slower pace than something like Aiptasia. They are controllable in that respect and can be easily dug up if you don't like them or want to thin their numbers.

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Yeah sorry about the pic, taking pics with phone when the little guy is so far from the glass is hard :(


Thanks for your guess though, from a youtube vid i found of an edwardsiid i'm pretty sure that's what it is. I can't find any information on them though, should I remove him or is he safe to keep?

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