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First attempt at office pico - Nuvo 4

Mike in TN

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After lurking for a while, I found an Innovative Marine Nuvo 4 at a price that I could not pass up. The plan is for an office pico, mostly corals and invertebrates, probably one fish. As it is an office pico, I'm asked constantly when "Nemo" is coming. Right now I'm leaning towards a yellow clown goby, but am open to suggestions.


I've got a lot to learn, have probably made some mistakes already, and will no doubt make many more along the way, but it has been a lot of fun so far. Any advice and/or comments are welcomed.


Now off to buy fish, maybe a couple of Yellow Tangs...


Started with:

Innovative Marine Nuvo 4 (stock)

Spin Stream on the way

5 pounds live sand

4 - 5 pounds live rock


Inhabitants so far (as best as I can determine):

Green Star Polyps

Eagle Eye Zoanthids

Red Mushrooms (very small)

Gold/Green Palythoas

Green Maze Brain

Finger Leather

Blue Mushrooms

2 Snails

1 Hermit Crab


These are the latest before and after pics (please excuse the crappy cell phone pics).




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Now off to buy fish, maybe a couple of Yellow Tangs...




Tank looks good so far. The nuvos seem like nice tanks.

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