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What is my snail doing?!


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Today i did my first water change, just a small one at about 2 gallons which is about 16% (didn't want to disrupt the cycle to much)


Anyway, immediately after the change i noticed my snail climbing up the wall of the aquarium and releasing this "smoky" substance into the water. It is coming from just left of the left eye on the snail. Im not sure if it is good or bad but it is concerning. I believe it to be an Astrea snail but could be wrong.


One of my mollies is very interested in whatever it is


You can best see it in the beginning of the video and on full screen. (Click on image below)





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Looks like snail sperm to me.



That is the only Astrea snail i have in the tank. There is a turbo and 5 nassarius in there as well. What could he possibly be attempting to breed with? Other than the mollie who seems so in to it.


The snail got moved to the QT until i figure out if this is going to be a problem or not.



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After reading multiple different threads on multiple forums it seems that this is "snail sperm" and apparently it can be beneficial for some organisms living in the rock and sand. So the snail is going back to the display tank.

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That is the only Astrea snail i have in the tank. There is a turbo and 5 nassarius in there as well. What could he possibly be attempting to breed with? Other than the mollie who seems so in to it.


The snail got moved to the QT until i figure out if this is going to be a problem or not.




Doesn't matter if its the only snail in the tank. I am still going with snail sperm...

Otherwise, it could be some sort of contaminant in your water..however, i highly doubt that's it.


What do your corals look like. A good tell tale sign that it is snail nut is to look at your corals and see if the polyps are open.

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After reading multiple different threads on multiple forums it seems that this is "snail sperm" and apparently it can be beneficial for some organisms living in the rock and sand. So the snail is going back to the display tank.


:)! Just to prevent some heartache down the road. Corals and fish usually react to a bad water change before your snails do.

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Doesn't matter if its the only snail in the tank. I am still going with snail sperm...

Otherwise, it could be some sort of contaminant in your water..however, i highly doubt that's it.


What do your corals look like. A good tell tale sign that it is snail nut is to look at your corals and see if the polyps are open.



I dont have any corals in the tank as of yet. The snail came to me as a hitchhiker than I nor the reef keeper i bough the live rock from noticed. The tank is just at the tail end of the startup cycle. The reason the molly is in there is because the reef keeper strongly suggested it to kickstart a cycle, although i disagreed he talked me into it.

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