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Managed to spot this little critter in my tank. He was hanging out in one of the shallow caves on my LR. I thought it was dead because it was just flowing in the current but when I touched it with the end of my turkey baster it curled up (kinda like a caterpillar would) maybe a bristle worm? He's about half an inch long.



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I want to put him back in the tank, but he isn't moving around at all. He's just kinda laying there. Think he's on his last leg?

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Deleted User 3
I want to put him back in the tank, but he isn't moving around at all. He's just kinda laying there. Think he's on his last leg?


How long have you had him in the cup? You could try putting him back in, if you have nassarius snails and other bristle worms they will clean him up, otherwise wait until morning w/ him in the tank and if he's not moved then he's a goner. =\ but usually once you have one.. you have more... :D they're good cleaners! and they like pellets, ha ha.

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Only had him in the cup for about 10mins now, but I just put him back in the tank because I just spotted 2 more bristle worms that are sticking out from crevices on the same live rock that I found the original bristle worm. :D they are extremely tiny but I'm stoked. Saltwater tanks are so cool. I feel like a little kid in a candy shop, lol.

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Deleted User 3
Only had him in the cup for about 10mins now, but I just put him back in the tank because I just spotted 2 more bristle worms that are sticking out from crevices on the same live rock that I found the original bristle worm. :D they are extremely tiny but I'm stoked. Saltwater tanks are so cool. I feel like a little kid in a candy shop, lol.


Haha either he'll be alive, or a snack then! :o


And yeah I feel the same way. I find SO many hitch hikers in my tank and it's 2 months old TODAY lol. I just updated my list on my hitchhikers haha and a couple things i got. most was hitch hikers!

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Only had him in the cup for about 10mins now, but I just put him back in the tank because I just spotted 2 more bristle worms that are sticking out from crevices on the same live rock that I found the original bristle worm. :D they are extremely tiny but I'm stoked. Saltwater tanks are so cool. I feel like a little kid in a candy shop, lol.



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Haha either he'll be alive, or a snack then! :o


And yeah I feel the same way. I find SO many hitch hikers in my tank and it's 2 months old TODAY lol. I just updated my list on my hitchhikers haha and a couple things i got. most was hitch hikers!


Poor thing, hope he doesn't become a snack, but that's the cycle of life.


I totally didn't expect to find so many HH's and bristle worms were one of the hitchhikers I was hoping to get. I was kinda bummed when I didn't see any at first. Now I'm ecstatic!

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Managed to spot this little critter in my tank. He was hanging out in one of the shallow caves on my LR. I thought it was dead because it was just flowing in the current but when I touched it with the end of my turkey baster it curled up (kinda like a caterpillar would) maybe a bristle worm? He's about half an inch long.



looks like a bristle worm to me too

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