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InTank water drip?


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Picked up an inTank media basket for my BC29 with the water director. I didn't get the fuge basket but ever since I have put it in I have had the most annoying water drip sound. I have floss on top however the water obviously rises above that point so I here water hitting water and use was wondering if this is normal? It was quieter before I put the basket in ... any help is appreciated.

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Picked up an inTank media basket for my BC29 with the water director. I didn't get the fuge basket but ever since I have put it in I have had the most annoying water drip sound. I have floss on top however the water obviously rises above that point so I here water hitting water and use was wondering if this is normal? It was quieter before I put the basket in ... any help is appreciated.


Why would the water be above the floss on the top rack? What section do you have the media basket in? Should be in the middle section on the wall closest to the intake. How high do you have your tank filled? I have the media basket in my BC29 with the new water director and my water level in the middle chamber is no where near above my floss pad.

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The basket is in chamber 2 or (the middle) Water level on the side is right at maximum. At first I though I might have had my basket installed upside down however I just went to the intank website and I def have it in right. If you take a look there you can see that they have the floss completely submerged in the first rack. As far as I can see I have it in there correctly?

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The basket is in chamber 2 or (the middle) Water level on the side is right at maximum

When you're using those media baskets that water level thing on the side is null & void. Fill up the back chambers with more water, the drip will stop.

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The basket is in chamber 2 or (the middle) Water level on the side is right at maximum. At first I though I might have had my basket installed upside down however I just went to the intank website and I def have it in right. Any if you take a look there you can see that they have the floss completely submerged in the first rack. As far as I can see I have it in there correctly?


If you water level is at the "max" level per the BC29 window, how is the water so high in chamber two? Or am I missing something or reading something incorrectly? The point of the floss is a pre-filter for the water transferring through chamber 1 to chamber two. It is not meant to be submerged underwater, as that would defeat the purpose of the floss.

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Don't know but in that picture in the link it shows the floss submerged and thats on the official intank website.


I just put more water in and bingo ... she's silent again B)



I would like to hear from others though if this is correctly setup as I do understand what your saying about the water hitting the floss before going down into the second and third chambers.....

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Don't know but in that picture in the link it shows the floss submerged and thats on the official intank website.


I just put more water in and bingo ... she's silent again B)



I would like to hear from others though if this is correctly setup as I do understand what your saying about the water hitting the floss before going down into the second and third chambers.....

yes, the water will level itself out in all 3 chambers. mines probably 4" below the top of the tank and I hear nothing as far as dripping goes..

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put more water into your back chambers.




Fill those back chambers until the water is almost to the top of the media basket.


When I hear the dripping / waterfall sound, I know I need to top off.


Every board I read about BioCubes before buying my tank said to ignore the "maximum" line on the side.

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