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Urgent Help with nanotuners 5.6 CREE


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Hello people i really need some help here, i am using the nanotuners 5.6 CREE retrofit, the problem is as all of you may know this company is out of business.

I have a great success with this retrofit I am using to on a jbj 28G sps dominated tank, it use 3 drivers but the problem now I two of the led strips (connected to the same driver) are turning on/ off from time to time, I am assuming the driver is damaged and in some time is going to be totally burn out.

Here at my country I will find any replacement part, the problem I I don’t know which driver is the one I will need, someone could give the model of the driver to buy the proper one?

Thanks a lot for any help is pretty urgent since my tank is sps dominated so my beloved across will suffer been under lighted.

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