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Toadstool Coral Help


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I don't know if my toadstool is dying or if its just going thru one of its phases but its been like this since I got back into town this past weekend. Any ideas?



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I don't know if my toadstool is dying or if its just going thru one of its phases but its been like this since I got back into town this past weekend. Any ideas?


Is the brown area I see at the bottom rotting or falling apart? There is a disease that they get that I believe is called LCS if I remember correctly.


You may want to do a search for Leather Coral Syndrome and see if you can find more info that way but not sure that that is the correct name


An iodine treatment may be needed as it could be some kind of bacterial disease.


Pictures taken really close up would help in ID'ing what is going on.



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mine went through a week long phase a few weeks ago. Looked like crap, slumped over. Just make sure its not rotting away

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My Toadstool will sulk from time to time and not extend its polyps all while listing over as if dead. As long as there is not evidence of any disease or rot, don't worry about it. Toadies are weird.





This photo was taken after a solid week of sulking and looking like ####. Just for the record this toadstool is a least 10" in diameter.

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My Toadstool will sulk from time to time and not extend its polyps all while listing over as if dead. As long as there is not evidence of any disease or rot, don't worry about it. Toadies are weird.





This photo was taken after a solid week of sulking and looking like ####. Just for the record this toadstool is a least 10" in diameter.

Wow! Nice toadie hopefully mine will recover from whatever its under its a shame to watch it leaning over like this


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I don't know if my toadstool is dying or if its just going thru one of its phases but its been like this since I got back into town this past weekend. Any ideas?


If it is rot at the bottom you could try and remove the Sarco, do an iodine or Lugol's dip and remove all the rotting material/tissue from the tank, and after dipping the healthy portion as suggested, wedge the leather back between two rocks and hope that it reattached itself and that you too care of all the rotted material on its stem.


You may wish to just cut the base above the portion that looks like it is falling apart, and then dip, and then replace in the tank.


Not sure that will work but it is certainly worth a try.


Good luck

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