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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Bubble Magus Curve 7


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Well I ordered a Curve 7 from Reef Supplies I got it all hooked up tues afternoon and i have got to say im very pleased with this skimmer. its dead silent and very simple to assemble so i would assume easy to clean i have it set in 12 inches of water when it calls for 11 max but i know from there last cone skimmer they produced a lot of people have placed them in 12-14 inches of water when they were rated for 11 max and they got great results.



Needlewheel protein skimmer


Capability : 700L-900L(185G -240G)

pump: ROCK - SP2000

Pump power: 16W, 220V 50Hz /110V 60Hz

Dimensions: 235×200×530mm(9.25" * 7.87" * 20.8")

Water Level :9.5"-11"




Today is the second day of this skimmer being used but due to my bad luck i dropped a piece of rock into my fuge and stired the fresh sand bed. so i have shut the skimmer of for probably the next twenty four hours till everything settles ...


sorry the pics were taken twenty four hours from first dropping the skimmer into the sump



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I just came on to post about that... Long story this skimmer is on my brand new build and the salinity was wayyyyyyy out (0.041) anyways now that I'm down to 0.022 I had to raise it up three or four inches and it seems to be happy again I will post pics tomorrow of what it has produced

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Well its been twenty four hours since the skimmer has been back online. With lowering the salinity back down to 0.022 I've had to raise the skimmer up four inches but its doing amazing


sorry for the quality of pics will clean up the sump to get some better ones for the next ones




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im familiar with 1.025 or 35 for salinity, but dunno what 0.044 and 0.021 is haha


ya thats my bad sorry i have it down to were i want it now at 1.022


Well this beast is going strong no issues with it overflowing while the break in is happening. I'm still veryyyy pleased with the curve 7



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Well after doing some adding and removing of the rock work in my tank I went down staires and was shocked by how well this skimmer had stepped it up. I'm still beyound happy with it and dollar for dollar I think bubble magus has really produced the best skimmer this time around


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well thought I would post some recent pics now that I have two fish in the tank and I'm starting to feed this skimmer has done wonderful this pic is four days



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  • 1 year later...

still running strong? reason im asking this, is i really want this for my 40 breeder and have a chance to get one for a good price but also leaning towards the 5 for now or maybe the 9 for future tanks. :D

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I am using a 5 on my 40 Breeder, total water volume is prob around 80 gallons. It skims beautifully. Dark nasty smelling skim. I have to empty the cup every 3 days.



still running strong? reason im asking this, is i really want this for my 40 breeder and have a chance to get one for a good price but also leaning towards the 5 for now or maybe the 9 for future tanks. :D

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