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AI SOL Nano Enough Light ?


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Would an AI Sol Nano be enough light for a 34g Solana ? Going to revive my Solana and was wanting to go with an LED fixture that doesn't hurt the wallet too much...lol all advice welcomed :D



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I wouldn't recommened it because I have a solana also and it is 20" deep, I would recommend the AI blue to be completely honest.

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If you can afford a ai blue get that like jneighbors said I wish I would have just for the extra coverage ( ebay you can get one cheap ) but if you can't the ai nano will work . They don't seem powerful but they will fry corals like no other . I swear a nano would fry corals quicker then a halide .

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If you want to do crazy sps all throughout the top and bottom, no.


If you want a mixed reef, and you strategically place your corals, yes.


A friend of mine has that setup and he hardly grows algae on his aquarium walls since there is no light spillage.


I'd go with that if you plan to keeping costs down. Right now everyone and their mothers has a 10% off deal on the AI nano.

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