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Is my RBTA Bleaching?


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My tank has thriving SPS a 150 watt halide parameters all in check 8.2ph 78-80 degress, kh is 10 salinity is fine, phosphates 0 and nitrites and nitrates 0. My corals and fish are fine so I am just a little worried about my anemone hes been in my tank about a month and my tank is 8 months old. So is his color normal?


anyone please?


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How long have you had it? Was it darker when you got it?

There is light pink variations of BTA's. If the MH's were too bright, it would probably hide or shrivel up.

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I have had it for about a month the guy I got it from had 2 t8 bulbs and thats it, when I got it seemed to be a lot better, its gotten bigger also it will eat small pieces of shrimp no problem so I would assume its fine?

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If you've noticed a significant color change, then yeah it could be bleaching. As long as it's eating and extended, then lights are the only thing I would think is an issue. Can you raise the light? Or try using a screen or eggcrate to lessen the intensity. Thats kind of the trade off when it comes to BTA's and SPS in the same tank.

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Just saying trade off, cause SPS prefer a higher light, as oppose to BTA's preferring a lesser intense light. Same clean water quality, just light intensity differences.

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Oh that's what you meant! hmm I could move the Rose toward the bottom cause its at the top? If I raise the light I don't want to change the intensity amount cause my corals are looking so dang good where it is. But the rose is off the side so not right under light I don't think the color has changed too much on him?

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I'd say just leave it, and keep an eye on it. It looks healthy in the pic. I mean it has the ability to move on its own, and usually will if its in an unfavorable spot. Take a pic every few days, kinda makes it easier to see its progression.

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Do you feed it? I have 7 bta's in my tank I feed them weekly krill and mysis. They are 1 inch under the water surface and 8 inches under a 150 watt MH. My water is not clean by any means. I would leave the anemone where it is at and feed it. They go where they want anyways.


If the lights are to intense a BTA will hide. If it needs more light it stretches.

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I will take pics and see how it does, and no it hasn't moved it likes where it is I assume doesn't stretch nor shrink and yes I feed it twice a week with shredded pieces of shrimp (raw) bought at the store. It seems to love the light cause it doesn't try to hide and it doesn't ever seem to look stressed I am just worried by the color cause some RBTA's I have seen are deeper pink/red.

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Yeah mine was deep red, but I've seen a lot of them that pink like yours. Try feeding it silversides, from your LFS. Just to keep a varied diet.

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I have seen BTA's that are bleached before. Feeding them along with good water quality and lights will bring there color back. If it is opening do not move it.

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Lawnman, you think this is a bleached nem, or just a light pink color variation? Just want to pick your brain, sounds like you have quite a few.

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