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Tank cloudy after move.


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So i drove 16 hours from buffalo to mineapolis. After 14 hours some of my coral in the cooler started to look bad and the water smelled terrible. I got setup and had 20 gallons of fresh salt water waiting, so after a day the water is still murky despite the skimmer running, and been doing water changes every 6 hours (as fast as I can make it). I added fresh Rox 0.8 and gfo but cant seem to clean up the water. The filter sock looks fine, and its not dust.



Any help is appreciated.

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Test for ammonia.. and keep up the water changes.


You definitely should have removed the coral and packed it in styro with heat packs to prevent dieoff, but hindsight is 20/20 and useless at this point.

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Test for ammonia.. and keep up the water changes.


You definitely should have removed the coral and packed it in styro with heat packs to prevent dieoff, but hindsight is 20/20 and useless at this point.



The rock with coral was packed in large coolers, the temp was 78. I think a heat pack wouldnt of helped since it was in the 90s the entire time. A few corals (torches) were bagged individually and still had some die off.

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Oh, gotcha.. yeah maybe you needed a cooling pack then, if it was in the 90s. A really tough spot for you, but it sounds like you did the best you could.


How's everything looking today?

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Oh, gotcha.. yeah maybe you needed a cooling pack then, if it was in the 90s. A really tough spot for you, but it sounds like you did the best you could.


How's everything looking today?

Im not sure it was temperature related, I did notice a few inverts in the cooler were dead (i tried to pull as many) maybe it set off a chain reaction leading to rapid death. I guess the lesson is remove all coral and individually bag them next time. I guess no big deal.


The water is still slightly cloudy, I tried coral snow based on a friends suggestion, it seemed to produce more skimate.


Also my 40b sprung a small leak so I need to adress that next, its been a busy week lol.

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Yeah, moving's quite a time sink. I'd still say to check for ammonia if you can, that's often a cause of cloudiness in the water - one of many possible, of course, and could be a cause/effect of the chain reaction of dieoff you mentioned.


But like you said, lesson learned and not much you can do now but rebuild the empire :)

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Yeah, moving's quite a time sink. I'd still say to check for ammonia if you can, that's often a cause of cloudiness in the water - one of many possible, of course, and could be a cause/effect of the chain reaction of dieoff you mentioned.


But like you said, lesson learned and not much you can do now but rebuild the empire :)



True!, I need to test that, busy moving in and settling up my lab. I agree its an opportunity to start over again.

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Did ya use new sand?

Sounds like a bacteria bloom. WC's and fresh carbon frequently as stated.





I haven't used any sand, I am bare-bottom but I have a bag I plan on adding, why do you ask?

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