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Innovative Marine Aquariums

custom 25 gallon


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I recently upgraded my system form a 14 gallon biocube to a custom 25 gallon starfire tank 24" by 17" by 16".


This new tank is a vast improvement and allowed me to do everything they way I wanted but got wrong on the first tank.


If found the chambers of my AIO were way to small for my hands and I need a sump for more equipment and ease of use. The tank was build with a back panel of laminated black glass and the three sides are starfire. The overflow is a full length a coast to coast with bean animal drains.


I had a metal stand made and created all the wooden panels for the cabinet myself.


for equipment I am running:



-mag 5 dual 1/2 returns

-mp10esw with battery back up



-Radion led light for DT

-AI Nano for fuge



-25 gallon sump with fuge

-tunze 9002 nano skimmer



-apex controller with wxm module for mp10

-150 w jager heater

-cooling fans for sump (for the few hot days we get)


-Two Brs dosing pumps for alk and ca


I just recently moved all my livestock over and couldn't be happier that it is done now. Can't wait to get some more coral and let this thin grow out.















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Deleted User 4

Ohh wow, very nice work on the custom! But can I say one thing??? Seeing that you're using an ai nano sol as a fuge light when I'm about to purchase one for a display tank light, you must be considered insane to do so. :lol:

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using an ai nano sol as a fuge light when I'm about to purchase one for a display tank light, you must be considered insane to do so. :lol:


Yeah it would look that way but I actually had the ai nano for my 14 gallon Biocube before I had this custom made. I knew that it wouldn't be enough light for the larger footprint so I figured I would just keep and use it rather than try and sell it.


Thanks for all the compliments everyone :D

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Looks like an amazing and well planned system. Great work on that. Question: What are the two doorbell (garage door) buttons under your controller for? It looks like the tape next to them says "4 Fish?"

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Looks like an amazing and well planned system. Great work on that. Question: What are the two doorbell (garage door) buttons under your controller for? It looks like the tape next to them says "4 Fish?"



I have yet to properly label the two buttons that is why I just have tape beside one but they are for feeding cycles. I have them attached to the apex to trigger a set of actions. The 4 fish one turns off the return and my mp10 for 10 mins which allows me to feed my clown fish etc. The other button triggers a cycle for feeding the coral. It turns off return and sets mp10 to a slower flow rate for 30mins as well as shutting off my skimmer for an additional 30mins after the return and mp10 resume.


this was just the easiest way to incorporate the function with my apex.


Thanks :)

I did spend a lot of time planning and decided to make my second tank exactly what I wanted.

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Wow, this is quite the setup. Very clean. And an AI nano for the fuge that has to be a first! You can literally grow corals in the fuge! lol

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