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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Saltwater in public water system


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Have you guys ever though about how much salt is being dumped in the public water system from all the hobbyist ? Before I lived where I'm at now we were on public water and sewer. I had two 55g tanks and never though anything about pouring my spent saltwater down the drain.

Now that we have a septic tank and I dont pour my old saltwater down the drain because I'm sure the salt would kill the bacteria as well as being a solid to speed the fill up of the tank.

Just a though.

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Never thought about it. I was always more worried about filling up the cess pool too quickly. My cess pool is a little small for my house due to the fact that I live so close to the water, and my house was originally just a summer home. I have no authority to say it, but I don't think the salt would too bad for it.

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Never thought about it. I was always more worried about filling up the cess pool too quickly. My cess pool is a little small for my house due to the fact that I live so close to the water, and my house was originally just a summer home. I have no authority to say it, but I don't think the salt would too bad for it.

what's up with the incessant posts here recently on stuff not only that no one gives a #### about, but no one can answer anyways. This, then the "oh, how many reefers are there in the us", Oh, "what does a fish do in space". Wtf, is this national retard week?


Disclaimer - when I was little my mother told me not to laugh @ retarded people, or I might have a retarded kid someday. I have a kid now, she's not retarded, so it's ok to laugh again.

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what's up with the incessant posts here recently on stuff not only that no one gives a #### about, but no one can answer anyways. This, then the "oh, how many reefers are there in the us", Oh, "what does a fish do in space". Wtf, is this national retard week?


Disclaimer - when I was little my mother told me not to laugh @ retarded people, or I might have a retarded kid someday. I have a kid now, she's not retarded, so it's ok to laugh again.




+1 though....who really cares

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Think about the millions of gallons of waste water that flow daily in any moderate size city. There are not enough reef hobbyist in any one system to affect it. If there were that many people keeping saltwater tanks, there would be a reef store on every corner. The numbers are just not there. Plus, how much salt water do you dump a daily? I change about 3 gallons a week. It is going to get diluted down so much it becomes negligible.


Honestly, you probably urinate more salt content than you dump down your drain from your tank.

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+1 though....who really cares

Yeah no offense dling, you usually contribute some good stuff, but this is just derpderp. I think NR should have a pre-membership test where you have to answer a few questions, proving your iq to be over..oh, 60 or something in order to join. All in favor say #### the police!

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Never thought about it. I was always more worried about filling up the cess pool too quickly. My cess pool is a little small for my house due to the fact that I live so close to the water, and my house was originally just a summer home. I have no authority to say it, but I don't think the salt would too bad for it.

I don't know either,if it's bad ,good or nothing. I do know it kills the grass where I pour it out,I stopped doing that. I all so know the reason the dead sea is dead,to much salt.


what's up with the incessant posts here recently on stuff not only that no one gives a #### about, but no one can answer anyways. This, then the "oh, how many reefers are there in the us", Oh, "what does a fish do in space". Wtf, is this national retard week?


Disclaimer - when I was little my mother told me not to laugh @ retarded people, or I might have a retarded kid someday. I have a kid now, she's not retarded, so it's ok to laugh again.

Sounds you you could use a tampon :o


Think about the millions of gallons of waste water that flow daily in any moderate size city. There are not enough reef hobbyist in any one system to affect it. If there were that many people keeping saltwater tanks, there would be a reef store on every corner. The numbers are just not there. Plus, how much salt water do you dump a daily? I change about 3 gallons a week. It is going to get diluted down so much it becomes negligible.


Honestly, you probably urinate more salt content than you dump down your drain from your tank.

That a good point.As I said it was just a though. This is the general discussion area.And thats what this topic is.

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A city sewer is a no brainer.... Nothing bad could possibly happen. When you have a small suburban town that every house has its own cess pool though... Ehh, I'm still not worried about it.



Related note: anyone ever test their piss with a refractometer? Just curious.

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A city sewer is a no brainer.... Nothing bad could possibly happen. When you have a small suburban town that every house has its own cess pool though... Ehh, I'm still not worried about it.



Related note: anyone ever test their piss with a refractometer? Just curious.

For you urine test I would recommend using a friends refractometer : :D:o

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A city sewer is a no brainer.... Nothing bad could possibly happen. When you have a small suburban town that every house has its own cess pool though... Ehh, I'm still not worried about it.



Related note: anyone ever test their piss with a refractometer? Just curious.


nope...but I have tested the PH of my urine and it was just over 6.0. Dont ask I wont tell.

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nope...but I have tested the PH of my urine and it was just over 6.0. Dont ask I wont tell.

We already know you were feeding your clams :P




I have a hydrometer at home I'm not using. Maybe I'll make a day out of it. Try drinking different liquids and stuff



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We already know you were feeding your clams :P




I have a hydrometer at home I'm not using. Maybe I'll make a day out of it. Try drinking different liquids and stuff




HA!!! you know me all too well :lol:

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I don't know either,if it's bad ,good or nothing. I do know it kills the grass where I pour it out,I stopped doing that. I all so know the reason the dead sea is dead,to much salt.



Sounds you you could use a tampon :o



That a good point.As I said it was just a though. This is the general discussion area.And thats what this topic is.



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A salt-based water softener probably has more effect, and they are approved by the EPA for septic systems.


... water softening products are safe for septic systems. In recent years the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a special facts sheet summarizing studies by NSF and the University of Wisconsin on home water softeners and onsite treatment systems. What they found was softener effluent has no deleterious effect on bacterial functions, increased volume of wastewater does not cause hydraulic overloading and that the calcium and magnesium actually improve soil stability and percolation in the leach field. A link to the EPA web page is given below:



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what's up with the incessant posts here recently on stuff not only that no one gives a #### about, but no one can answer anyways. This, then the "oh, how many reefers are there in the us", Oh, "what does a fish do in space". Wtf, is this national retard week?


Disclaimer - when I was little my mother told me not to laugh @ retarded people, or I might have a retarded kid someday. I have a kid now, she's not retarded, so it's ok to laugh again.


So much butthurt in this post :lol:

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I think you have a crush on me. PM me, I'll give my you #.


No thanks. I was just pointing out how you get trolled so easily by noobs.

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Yeah no offense dling, you usually contribute some good stuff, but this is just derpderp. I think NR should have a pre-membership test where you have to answer a few questions, proving your iq to be over..oh, 60 or something in order to join. All in favor say #### the police!


If that were the case you probably wouldn't be here.

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Yeah no offense dling, you usually contribute some good stuff, but this is just derpderp. I think NR should have a pre-membership test where you have to answer a few questions, proving your iq to be over..oh, 60 or something in order to join. All in favor say #### the police!

Remember what your teacher said ? No stupid questions .


what's up with the incessant posts here recently on stuff not only that no one gives a #### about, but no one can answer anyways. This, then the "oh, how many reefers are there in the us", Oh, "what does a fish do in space". Wtf, is this national retard week?


Disclaimer - when I was little my mother told me not to laugh @ retarded people, or I might have a retarded kid someday. I have a kid now, she's not retarded, so it's ok to laugh again.

Just stupid answers :P

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I work or a recycled water wholesaler and am studying water policy and have actually thought about this a lot. But the agency that I work with treats over 100 MILLION gallons of waste water a day! The maybe 1,000 gallons of saltwater that is treated has absolutely no effect. It's way too diluted. But some cities that depend on recycled water and only treat small amounts may have a problem of the Tds level (total disolved solids) or salt level is already high. It starts to kill plants.


Not really an issue though and I am not a professional by any means. I am an intern that works with many engineers that are hobbyists.


I work or a recycled water wholesaler and am studying water policy and have actually thought about this a lot. But the agency that I work with treats over 100 MILLION gallons of waste water a day! The maybe 1,000 gallons of saltwater that is treated has absolutely no effect. It's way too diluted. But some cities that depend on recycled water and only treat small amounts may have a problem of the Tds level (total disolved solids) or salt level is already high. It starts to kill plants.


Not really an issue though and I am not a professional by any means. I am an intern that works with many engineers that are hobbyists.



I just read a bit more. Water softening actually has a huge impact. It runs all night and dumps tons of salt into waste water

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The pollution and run off from roads is a huge problem as well. Asphalt leaches oil and it collects oil from cars. It leaches into groundwater and runs off into streams and then into the oceans. Major threat to the worlds reefs. Storm water runoff is usually not treated so it flows directly to sea.

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