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SICCE Wave Surfer


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Hi as I mentioned in the title;s i am looking to get one of these controllers and I wanted to make the sway motion with the corals. Moving the corals left to right but I am looking for a slow sway.

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Is it possible to get a sway effect like the corals at the start of this video? With any equipment and with the Sicce wave surfer unit?


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get a really long tank and a mp. youre gonna be affected by the length of the tank regardless of what you use

+1. The length of the tank will be important if you want to get somewhat close to that natural swaying. small tanks tend end up looking like everything is having a seisure. This tank kind of illustrates what's possible



I dunno if you filmed it, but nice video. Molasses is always a great place to dive. So many divers in that video with bad form, though. lol

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