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Kenya Tree opinions


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Thinking about getting a Kenya Tree from my LFS, they are selling small ones for $5 because of mass reproduction, I had one years ago and loved it! I've been hearing people say they are the plague and are a nuisance, just wondering why so and people's opinions

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I got a small frag about a week ago and it is finally active. I think it took awhile to get used to my lighting. I began by gluing it to a rock since the base it was on was tiny and falling apart and it hated that. I removed the glue and it seems much more healthy. I wouldn't mind if it spreads I have always liked this coral and xenias and gsp. My three favorite corals can be considered "pest corals" lol.

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I got a small frag about a week ago and it is finally active. I think it took awhile to get used to my lighting. I began by gluing it to a rock since the base it was on was tiny and falling apart and it hated that. I removed the glue and it seems much more healthy. I wouldn't mind if it spreads I have always liked this coral and xenias and gsp. My three favorite corals can be considered "pest corals" lol.


Cool, yah I think they look cool, and I'm not glueing any corals as I plan to get an anemone one day which will cause me to move corals around lol :D

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It's a weed, don't do it


Yeah that's what I've been hearing from the experienced hobbyists, I had one for half a year a long time ago, never had problems with it reproducing

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How about GSPs , they've got them for the same price, I've heard these will take over a tank also, but I've heard the opposite, just looking for a hardy softie, already got a spotted mush and hairy mush. Always wanted a gsp

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Those will do the same thing as the kenya tree. look very cool as a mat growing on the bottom of the tank.


Lol yeah I'm reading they can take over a tank if you don't frag once a month, which isn't a problem for me, we will see what happens when I get to the LFS after work

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I have all three of the notorious "weed" corals in my tank. And i like them. The xenia is the fastest spreading and most anoying. The the kenya isnt bad as long as you scoop out the branches it drops occasionaly. And i think all tanks need some GSP.

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GSP I like, but maroon it on the sand or it will overtake your rocks.


If you trim and keep it on the sand, looks like a front lawn. Kenya tree isn't very attractive IMO either, much better choices out there.

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Yeah my gsp is on a baseball sized rock seperate from the rock scape. And it has completely covered the rock and is now spreading across the sand. I want it to reach the front glass and start growing up the corner of the tank.

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GSP I like, but maroon it on the sand or it will overtake your rocks.


If you trim and keep it on the sand, looks like a front lawn. Kenya tree isn't very attractive IMO either, much better choices out there.


Thanks for the tips, what would you recommend for a hardy coral that doesn't require very much maintenance? B)

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Thanks for the tips, what would you recommend for a hardy coral that doesn't require very much maintenance? B)


All photosynthetic large polyp stony corals are pretty easy. And they are also the most extravagant looking group of corals IMO.

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