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30 Gallon Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish setup questions


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Ok, so I am setting up a 30 gallon Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish tank. It will be just the lionfish and live rock, so a bare bottom fowlr tank. I am curious as to what everyone would suggest for a skimmer and a filter. I have been told I dont need a skimmer, but this tank is going to be my pride and joy and want to make sure everything is as close to perfect as I can get. So I will be putting a skimmer on it to be safe. so what do you guys recommend for skimmers and filters? Fuges, overflows and sumps are not an option for this setup because of the stand and location and because I plan to do a ATO for it because I live in Wisconsin and our winters get pretty bad so evaporation becomes an issue. I wont be doing corals or anything fancy.

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I would go ahead and set up the tank the way you want it and start the cycling . If thats the only fish you plan on having your bio load is going to be low,unless your putting 30 lion fish in there.If just the one fish then Instead of a skimmer you may want to consider do a hob refuge. You could add some sand there that will increase the the filtering and maybe even some cheato for algae control.

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Your winter causes more evaporation than your summer? This past winter I used one gallon of top off every week-week and a half. This summer, I'm averaging about a gallon every 2-3 days.


I also would go for a fuge. you will never get a respectable hob skimmer for a tank that big IMO. Not To mention, I'd rather look at a fuge than a big cylinder filled with poop. :P

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I would go ahead and set up the tank the way you want it and start the cycling . If thats the only fish you plan on having your bio load is going to be low,unless your putting 30 lion fish in there.If just the one fish then Instead of a skimmer you may want to consider do a hob refuge. You could add some sand there that will increase the the filtering and maybe even some cheato for algae control.


so would you suggest doing the AC70 refuge modification for filtration? if so, what would you suggest for putting in there for filtration and do you have a link for a good DIY tutorial on the AC70 fuge? otherwise what brand/model HOB Refugium would you recommend?


Your winter causes more evaporation than your summer? This past winter I used one gallon of top off every week-week and a half. This summer, I'm averaging about a gallon every 2-3 days.


I also would go for a fuge. you will never get a respectable hob skimmer for a tank that big IMO. Not To mention, I'd rather look at a fuge than a big cylinder filled with poop. :P


yeah our winter is weird, we have humid summers and dry winters, atleast lately we have been. can you recommend a good fuge setup? or do you recommend doing the AC70 fuge modification? if so, what do you recommend putting in the fuge?

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A custom one would be awesome, but probably my feasible. I would go for the ac110. Much more space to grow out macros. Are you looking to run media, or just a fuge? If media, an intank basket would help out. If not the basket that it comes with would be easy to fab a wall out of to just keep the algaes out of the display.

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A custom one would be awesome, but probably my feasible. I would go for the ac110. Much more space to grow out macros. Are you looking to run media, or just a fuge? If media, an intank basket would help out. If not the basket that it comes with would be easy to fab a wall out of to just keep the algaes out of the display.



well what would recommend as the best option? I new to this kind of setup, regugiums are rather new to me, i have always just run carbon filters, but those were small tanks. this being my biggest tank and my pride and joy i want to take the best route with it.

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This was suggested from someone in another post as a option from the ac filter.I dont know if its better

but it's built for this purpose . http://www.finnex.net/index.php?page=shop....t&Itemid=61

I was thinking about that one but I think I read that the flow through it was extremely weak and a small power head had to be installed. Just keep that in mind, but it's really not a big deal as many macros like low flow.


That's cool that it has a light made for it.

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Here a u-tube vid of someone's AC 110 diy fuge

. There are plenty of people doing this so it should be easy to find more info to help you .

Hope this helps you get started. ;)

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with the AC110 would I be able to just run the media that comes with it? or would I need more filtration with that route?

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I don't think you use any of the stuff that comes with it but I may be wrong. What your doing is using the pump and housing the then mod the filter cage so you can add sand and some cheato and a grow light.

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I don't think you use any of the stuff that comes with it but I may be wrong. What your doing is using the pump and housing the then mod the filter cage so you can add sand and some cheato and a grow light.


no i mean if i just did the filter and not the modification, like i can just run the media in it? if i did the mod then i wouldnt use the media, but im saying i would consider running the stock setup if that would be sufficient enough for this size tank.

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You can run anything you want in it. In my 70, I started with just chaeto. Then switched to chaeto and floss, added chemi pure, then switched to plain carbon, added other macros and mangroves... Right now I am running floss carbon and some mangroves and that's it.


For 1 small lion, I would think floss is a must, followed by chaeto and maybe a Dsb. Avoid rubble in set ups like this.


The stock setup is kinda silly IMO for a reef. The only good thing that comes with it is the carbon and mesh bag for holding the pellets. Chuck the sponge and whatever other media they put in there. I actually wish they sold a version with just the housing and pump... Could probably save a decent amount of money on it that way.

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no i mean if i just did the filter and not the modification, like i can just run the media in it? if i did the mod then i wouldnt use the media, but im saying i would consider running the stock setup if that would be sufficient enough for this size tank.

If you going to use as is just use the one you have in the tank now.

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If you going to use as is just use the one you have in the tank now.

well the tank isnt setup yet so i dont have a filter or anything yet. thats why i am asking.


You can run anything you want in it. In my 70, I started with just chaeto. Then switched to chaeto and floss, added chemi pure, then switched to plain carbon, added other macros and mangroves... Right now I am running floss carbon and some mangroves and that's it.


For 1 small lion, I would think floss is a must, followed by chaeto and maybe a Dsb. Avoid rubble in set ups like this.


The stock setup is kinda silly IMO for a reef. The only good thing that comes with it is the carbon and mesh bag for holding the pellets. Chuck the sponge and whatever other media they put in there. I actually wish they sold a version with just the housing and pump... Could probably save a decent amount of money on it that way.


ok so just do a floss, chaeto and Dsb, which i might ask what Dsb is? sorry, fuges are new to me lol. also i noticed with alot of fuges that i have seen they all have a light on them, is this necessary? id assume yes because chaeto is a form of plant correct?

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What is the tank in your sig? Heater,light and filter.

Looks like a 10 gallon to me, no?



A Dsb is deep sand bed. Come to think about it, I don't think the ac110 is deep enough to pull it off, so scratch that. Yes, a light will be needed to grow chaeto. It is not a plant but is a macro algae. Marine depot will have some fuge lights along with media baskets.com.

A cheaper possibility, although not a attractive is to buy a 10 dollar "grow light" from home depot and mount that somewhere to shine into your fuge. I also recommend running the light 24/7 so a submersible light or two may be your best bet, depending in where your tank is located.

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What is the tank in your sig? Heater,light and filter.


that was going to be my 10 gallon nano reef...then i got side tracked on it, it became a divided betta tank, one of the bettas got sick and died and now it is a mansion bachelor pad for the other betta lol. the heater is a 50 watt hydor theo and the filter is a aqueon 20, which neither are being used in the betta tank, the tank seems to hold its tempo constant without a heater and the filter had to strong of a current and would toss the betta around, i am using a cheap filter that came with the tank. I bouth the aqueon 20 for my nano reef but everyone yelled at me and said it was crap lol. the pictures i attached are of Herbert and his bachelor pad lol



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Looks like a 10 gallon to me, no?



A Dsb is deep sand bed. Come to think about it, I don't think the ac110 is deep enough to pull it off, so scratch that. Yes, a light will be needed to grow chaeto. It is not a plant but is a macro algae. Marine depot will have some fuge lights along with media baskets.com.

A cheaper possibility, although not a attractive is to buy a 10 dollar "grow light" from home depot and mount that somewhere to shine into your fuge. I also recommend running the light 24/7 so a submersible light or two may be your best bet, depending in where your tank is located.



yeah thats a 10 gallon, it is now housing my betta. was gonna be my 10 gallon nano but i decided to let the betta take it, 10 gallon tanks are cheap though, so its no biggie.


well i am building a canopy for my tank so you wont be able to see any of that, I am pretty anal about seein cords and equipment, so all my tanks have the backs painted black to help disquise stuff. so the cheap light from home depot would be an option, if i went the cheap route, can i still run it 24/7 or would that be an issue?

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A HA you changed your sig. Very clever.


Indeed....it is all apart of my plan....lol...nah i just realized that it was still a pic of my empty tank which empty tanks are no fun lol. figured it was time to update it.

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with the AC110 would I be able to just run the media that comes with it? or would I need more filtration with that route?

Then that filter would do fine or one of the canister filters. I have a fluval 405 that is a very good filter just carbon and maybe the sponge in it.

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Then that filter would do fine or one of the canister filters. I have a fluval 405 that is a very good filter just carbon and maybe the sponge in it.


ok well i think im gonna go with the AC110, that way if i decide i wanna do a fuge later on i can. Im just excited to get this tank setup, lionfish are my favorite saltwater fish and for me to finally have the oppurtunity to have one is awesome! lol. Though the wife is not exactly thrilled about it because its poisonous lol

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is the tank a 30long or 30 tall?


well its actual 29gallon, but i figure the 1 gallon wont make a differene. the dimensions are 30''wide by 12''deep and 19'' tall.

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