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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Taylor's 35 Gallon Rimless Cube Build


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Well, its been a few years but I'm getting back into the hobby. I shut down my 80 gallon cube a few years ago because I had no time or money while finishing up my degree.


For this build I decided to go with a completely custom setup due to it costing so much to have tanks shipped. After searching craigslist for a month or so with no luck I decided that Im going to build my own aquarium and stand from scratch.


The aquarium itself is going to be 24x24x14 tall rimless/starphire cube. I have the glass ordered and it should be here tuesday. I will be putting it together with Momentive RTV 108 adhesive.


I decided that I wanted to go with a nice modern looking setup so I decided to make an ADA style stand out of 3/4" plywood. The stand is together and is ready for paint/stain. I plan on painting the stand either white or black on 3 sides and staining the front a nice dark red/brown. The inside will be completely sealed and painted white.


Right now I am currently cooking about 20 lbs of liverock from a tank that was setup for 15 years. Im about 5 weeks in so it should be ready soon. I also have a 12 gallon mr aqua setup as a holding tank untill I get my tank built.



My equipment will most likely include the following:


Lighting - Kessil a350w

Skimmer - SCA-302

Circulation - 2x Vortech mp10

Return - Sicce Syncra 2.0

Controller - reefkeeper elite (open to other suggestions)


Here's where Im at as of today.










And a picture of my 120 gallon from a few years ago. :rollface:



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I got my glass in this week along with my lights and overflow from gl*******s. Im running the kessil at about 30% right now on my holding tank. Im pretty impressed so far.




The tank is glued and drying. I also threw a coat of paint on the stand. I think Im going to paint the inside white though.







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