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Peninsula 40 Breeder: New Frags and New Pics


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Well I finally i got water in my tank two nights ago. i have been gathering stuff for this build for over a year now and am i finally going to start my journey.
Rimless Peninsula 40 Breeder 3/8 Starphire glass. 1 1/2inch drain 1 inch return
Power heads: Two mp10 WES
Skimmer: Bubble Magnus Curve 7 (this will be here wed or thur I placed the order friday
Lamp: Tek 6 Bulb (going to replace with something a little nicer down the line but for now more then enough)
Sump: Custom one of one from M.R.C 90G With built in 30 gal fuge
Return pump: Panworld 100px
Heater: 300Watt Rena
Controller: Reef Keeper - two pc4's temp sens ph sens
The stand was made by a buddy of mine it doubles as a bar (built in wine glass holders even) ontop of it is a one of one cut of granite that ive left the nauture fracture along the front.




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Well i have had this curve 7 skimmer up and running for 24 hours and all i can say is wow its silent and very well made with this skimmer i can say dollar for dollar bubble magus has steped up and crushed it.



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Well just had a buddy pick up a refractometer for me and tested... Ya I was um just a little off .040.....

So I've drained out tenish gallons and have got the rodi turned on. Will retest in the am and see were I'm at hopefully ill be in the ball park

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Well its started I finally have some diatom aglae showing up on some of the rock. Thought would share some more pics. I can assure the rock layout looks much better in person but I'm still not sold on my layout...







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This is my first peninsula tank and its fffff hard to set the rock up... Its a balance of looks flow and being able to put lots of coral and its wayyyy diffrent then setting up a standard tank would have never thought I would have struggled so much to get rock in this thing...


No input on looks at all???

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This is my first peninsula tank and its fffff hard to set the rock up... Its a balance of looks flow and being able to put lots of coral and its wayyyy diffrent then setting up a standard tank would have never thought I would have struggled so much to get rock in this thing...


No input on looks at all???

yeah 3 sided scapes are difficult, you really want to figure out your scape around your live stock, for instance in my peninsula, I dont' have a lot of height in the scape, which limited my territory and resulted in a super aggressive clown fish. So I like the layout above, it gives eveyone (future residents) the most room and will allow you to enjoy the tank more as it will have more life in it.

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theres life in the tank brought home two reef chromis on sunday. ive always liked these guys. i know they can be prone to getting sick but fingers crossed...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well finally got my CUC yesterday. 20 Margaritas 2lg mexican turbos.


Ive got 1 margarita that keeps thinking out side the box lol i found it outside twice now


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well not much has happened with the tank I believe I'm done with the algae bloom I had hair algae come and go and the littlest bit of cyano that also came and went. I must say with useing dead rock I'm fully suprised that I didn't have to deal with more...

Here is some new fts with some new bulbs I have two more lamps to go in this is only with four on.




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Well you got me there ;) guess I really don't know how start with out being akward. Ohhh wellll ;)

Stupid puns aside I'm glad you like the tank and that some one has posted in the thread....

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Well you got me there ;) guess I really don't know how start with out being akward. Ohhh wellll ;)

Stupid puns aside I'm glad you like the tank and that some one has posted in the thread....


I'm much more awkward in person lol


What are you stocking plans? I have a 34 gallon tank that's fowlr for the moment. I'm going to be adding a golden dwarf eel. Those eels are so awesome. And they're reef safe just in case I decide to add softies to the tank!

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Looking good Scholar!!! Nice job on the rock scape and love that your going bare bottom on the tank - IMO this will help on keeping the tank clean and the 2 MP 10's will provide plenty of flow for the tank .

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Thank you for the kind words I'm pumped about this build and proud of it.


Ya this is my first BB tank and I'm very pleased with the look it does have its own issues that I'm learning about but I'm still happy with my choice.


When I first started planning this tank I was only going to do sps but now that I'm starting this I have relized reality and that's that with owning our own comapny time is notttt on my side... So I am planning on doing a few diffrent montis and will try one or two acros but will prob stick with lps and zoos.


As far as flow honestly I wish I would have gone with 40's the 10's on full plus 800gal from the return don't get as much flow around the front of the tank as I wanted...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are two pics that turned out im finding it very hard to get some nice shots of the coral though the thicker glass.... not much to look at but it something lol

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