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Origin's 29 Biocube


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I've had this tank for a while now, about 3-4 years, and it's finally at the point were I think it's worthy of a build log. It was suppose to be a tank to house my bali peacock mantis shrimp, but due to a stupid mistake with acclimation I sat there and watched him seizure to death. That's when my adventure into corals began, and I've got to say it changed my whole outlook on the hobby. I was never really into corals all that much, was planning to see if I could house some zoas with the mantis but that was as far as I thought it would go. After the loss of my mantis I thought I'd go ahead and do a zoa garden since I love zoas. And it went pretty good until I had to move. That's when I believe my tank recycled and for some reason all of my zoas started to die. After the loss of the zoas I started to get into different types of corals. That's when the whole mixed reef thing started to take off in my tank. And that's where I'm at now, gotta say after the latest changes I'm in love with my tank again. It's been a great learning experience and I've taken my share of losses throughout the years. But in it's current state the tank seems to be doing better than ever. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking, tell me what you think.




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That was quite an evolution! Looks like you learned a lot along the way. Great job. Next post maybe you could give us some particulars..lighting, parameters, food and supplements, etc. everyone is interested in what the members are doing that makes them successful. What do you think your zoos and others like so much about your tank?

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Thanks for the comments you guys. My tank equipment includes a rapid led retro kit, intank media basket and refugium, and a vortech mp10wes. I really don't do anything special with my tank, I'm a believer in the all natural route and it's worked for me so far. That means I don't supplement anything, other than calcium every now and then. My corals probably don't grow as fast due to this but I usually buy everything colony sized anyways. I try to feed my fishes and corals as much as possible without raising the nitrates in my tank, I like fat fishes but like a cleaner tank better. I'm a little OCD so that probably helps with keeping the tank clean. Everyday starts out with the daily blowing off of detritus and sand on all corals. Only thing I do is stay religious with my water changes, every week on the dot. Knowing where to place each coral is very important when you're an addicted fish guy with a really small tank. I've had a couple of battles before but I think that's to be expected in a tank this packed. Hope that's enough info for anyone who was wondering. Now could someone tell me how to post pictures without them shrinking up and minimizing?

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dam it..you make me wanna redo my landscape


Haha you should, best thing I ever did for my tank. Taking out all that rock really opened up the tank and made more room for fish and corals. I'm starting to like the minimalist look so my next tank will have even less rock. So any one know how to upload pics without them minimizing?

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Tank looks AWESOME I hope when my new tank grows up it looks kinda like this! How do you keep your water so clear?

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Tank looks AWESOME I hope when my new tank grows up it looks kinda like this! How do you keep your water so clear?


Thanks, I run chemipure elite in my media basket. You can really see the difference it makes in water clarity.

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how long have you had the LED so far? Are you happy with how the softies are doing under them?


I've had them for about a year or so now. As far as softies go the zoas and palys seem to do fine under them and look out of this world under actinics. Xenias, leathers, and mushrooms grow like crazy also. Only thing I've had problems with are ricordeas and yumas. They really don't like the high light intensity and seem to always shrivel up unless hidden in a low light area. Yumas do alright as long as you keep them down low. I've had one of my rainbow yumas bleach out under direct high lighting but the one that I keep down low is actually coloring up even more. Here's and old pic of the one I keep down low, since then it has become completely rainbow and has no white base anymore.


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