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How do I get people to stop calling it cheato?


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I used Chaetomorpha sp. in my refugium back when it was a new idea, then I left the marine world for a few years. I come back and now half the people are calling it cheato. When did this come about? Doesn't anyone have any respect for macroalgae anymore? :P



I'm bored.

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I used Chaetomorpha sp. in my refugium back when it was a new idea, then I left the marine world for a few years. I come back and now half the people are calling it cheato. When did this come about? Doesn't anyone have any respect for macroalgae anymore? :P



I'm bored.


The best way is to just call them out on it. Nicely of course ;)

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I remember researching the proper pronunciation of the word when I was starting my first marine tank. I didn't want to sound like a newbie. So, I went to the LFS and asked for Chaeto (kay-toe), and they looked at me like I was an alien. They said, "Oh, Cheato. We call it cheato. Everybody calls it cheato." Subsequently, I have yet to find anyone else who pronounces it wrong. Kay-toe is how we say it here. As in Kay-toe-morph-uh.

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Guilty as charged, I pronounce it "chay-toe." It's a habit that I'm not likely to break, since that's how I've all ways read it. I'll not argue that I'm correct, and if it annoys some one I'm talking with enough I'll correct myself, it's a matter of preference for me. Like when southerners say "boo-ee" instead of bowie. I'm not going to correct them, all though that isn't an apples to apples comparison.

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I get sick of hearing people call zoas zoos. How do you get zoo out of zoanthid? Or they call a fuge a ref -u - g -em. I wanted to smack this noob at premium aquatics last week and his proper wife with her ugly head band. Yes we are looking for some cheeto for our fuge and we also want a small I repeat a small blue hippo for our biocube 29. We also need some Oceanic slide in filters for the 29er. That guy needed drop kicked.

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Even though in North America, it is considered "KEY-toe" -morpha (the same as poly"chaete"), there are slightly different pronunciations worldwide. In Europe, pronunciations like "KAY-toe" would be more acceptable. Not an exact, uniform system (which would be preferable), but it isn't Latin, either. You'd be saying "KITE-oh" if that were the case.

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I get sick of hearing people call zoas zoos. How do you get zoo out of zoanthid? Or they call a fuge a ref -u - g -em. I wanted to smack this noob at premium aquatics last week and his proper wife with her ugly head band. Yes we are looking for some cheeto for our fuge and we also want a small I repeat a small blue hippo for our biocube 29. We also need some Oceanic slide in filters for the 29er. That guy needed drop kicked.

Wait... How do you pronounce refugium? I'm pretty sure that's right.



This is going to end up another pronunciation thread :P. speaking of which, how do you pronounce zooxanthellae?



Just watched a video with a guy talking about it... Zoah-zan- thelly. I never would have guessed that.

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That guy needed drop kicked.


It's funny that you ended your rant with my biggest "lazy grammar" pet peeve:


Needed TO BE drop kicked.


The phrase "to be" is NOT optional.

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I remember researching the proper pronunciation of the word when I was starting my first marine tank. I didn't want to sound like a newbie. So, I went to the LFS and asked for Chaeto (kay-toe), and they looked at me like I was an alien. They said, "Oh, Cheato. We call it cheato. Everybody calls it cheato." Subsequently, I have yet to find anyone else who pronounces it wrong. Kay-toe is how we say it here. As in Kay-toe-morph-uh.

+1 and :=)


Even though in North America, it is considered "KEY-toe" -morpha (the same as poly"chaete"), there are slightly different pronunciations worldwide. In Europe, pronunciations like "KAY-toe" would be more acceptable. Not an exact, uniform system (which would be preferable), but it isn't Latin, either. You'd be saying "KITE-oh" if that were the case.


Yes and in Europe in most place algae is not pronounced with a soft g but with a hard g so actually like alg-hey


Odd but that is how it goes ... English English vs American English I guess


Gee reminds me of lift versus elevator



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+1 and :=)




Yes and in Europe in most place algae is not pronounced with a soft g but with a hard g so actually like alg-hey


Odd but that is how it goes ... English English vs American English I guess


Gee reminds me of lift versus elevator




Indeed. Many in Europe would be more likely to use pronunciations approximating "church Latin," since that is how much of it is familiarized. Oh well, at least the spellings are comparatively uniform. Gender and grammar is abused a lot in scientific names, though--either by the scientist naming them or by people using the wrong endings in subsequent texts. One big example is Centropyge, which is a feminine word, so the adjectives should also be feminine (such as C. loricula, which is correct, not loriculus). That's just getting really nit-picky, though.

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Indeed. Many in Europe would be more likely to use pronunciations approximating "church Latin," since that is how much of it is familiarized. Oh well, at least the spellings are comparatively uniform. Gender and grammar is abused a lot in scientific names, though--either by the scientist naming them or by people using the wrong endings in subsequent texts. One big example is Centropyge, which is a feminine word, so the adjectives should also be feminine (such as C. loricula, which is correct, not loriculus). That's just getting really nit-picky, though.


Good points indeed, but I guess that in the hobby a lot of us do not pay a lot of attention to be absolutely correct grammar wise.


The main thing is that whatever spelling or pronunciation is used, we all seem to know what is being talked about, but thanks for bringing up the way it "should" be

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Funny marine pronounciations.

I've always been freaked out by anemone. Why is it pronounced anemonee? We don't say telephonee.

Abalone is another... why is it abalonee, not abalone? We don't say acetonee, it's acetone.

Progesterone, saxophone, testosterone, trombone... no ee at the end.

Is Tunze pronounced toonze or tunsee?



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And it is this exact reason why there is several hundreds of different dialects in On Star + many other voice recognition software. Because one pronounces it different does not mean there is a lack of knowledge about what Cheato is.


Have you ever heard people from New York / New Jersey talk? how about living in Arizona where they speak really slow in comparison to the north east. Or have you spoken with several Indians on the phone? Working a call center job you appreciate the different dialects we have as people. Especially those that English is a second language to them!


I wont go on in a lot of 'stereotypes' but the way one learns language weighs in heavily on how things are pronounced. Sure Websters might have the 'intended' pronunciation behind the word. Even the British pronounce things drastically different from the United states - we are speaking 2 different forms of English.

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Funny marine pronounciations.

I've always been freaked out by anemone. Why is it pronounced anemonee? We don't say telephonee.

Abalone is another... why is it abalonee, not abalone? We don't say acetonee, it's acetone.

Progesterone, saxophone, testosterone, trombone... no ee at the end.

Is Tunze pronounced toonze or tunsee?




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I'll start calling it Cheeto (like the snack) if it'll make you any more upset.



When I think of people calling it cheato, I always think they are saying that people using it are cheaters.. haha.. idk why..


as in, those who use macroalgae to reduce n/p are cheating.. :lol:

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I'll start calling it Cheeto (like the snack) if it'll make you any more upset.


It doesn't so much as upset me as make me think the user (of cheato or Cheeto) is slow and should not have a tank in the first place.

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Good points indeed, but I guess that in the hobby a lot of us do not pay a lot of attention to be absolutely correct grammar wise...


... thanks for bringing up the way it "should" be


Wasn't really what I was trying to say. My point was to show that nomenclature is more art/preference/expression than a science or set of rules. If anything, it follows its own rules or, rather, (very) loose guidelines. I don't see why pronunciation should be much different.

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