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Looks sort of like a sea slug


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Here is a picture of a thing that has been in my tank for a little while. My first thought because it was right next to my sea star that the sea star had shed its skin (does they even do that) though now I can see it better. I have only the vaguest idea of what it could be.


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It's hard to say without a better pic, but from what I can tell from the shape of the cerrata and the oral tentacles that you probably have a dendronotid nudibranch. If that is indeed what you have, it is pretty typical on a variety of soft corals, since that is its primary food source. If you have any soft corals, like leathers and the like, you will want to not only get rid of the adult, but scour around the base and stalks of any soft corals you have in search of eggs.


edit: do a quick search on Tritoniopsis--may not be exact genus, but they should look similar.

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Yes it does somewhat look like it but there are also differences that I can see. I am not sure that the one I have eats soft corals because it is mostly crawling around on the glass as if it is algae grazing.

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Yes it does somewhat look like it but there are also differences that I can see. I am not sure that the one I have eats soft corals because it is mostly crawling around on the glass as if it is algae grazing.


Get a better pic, because the likelihood that this is an algal grazing species is slim...

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