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40g Breeder levelling problem?


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I extended my current stand with 3/4" plywood on top and supported it with legs but today I filled it with fresh water to test and examine, I see some gaps where plastic bracing meets the wood. they aren't big gaps maybe 1/2 mm most except the one at the right back corner is like 1mm gap.

Length of the gaps aren't very big, the one on front is like 25cm long and les then 1/2mm. I can fit a paper only in there. Back has small gaps, also only paper fits, but left back corner is different.


When I put a strait cut wood or acrylic sheet on that corner there is no gap between wood but for some reason when tank sits its 1mm gap.


Do u think this would be a problem? Does it sit so tight from all around that I couldn't be able to fit paper?


Is it fine or need to do something?


Please leave some comment because I have only 3 days left to fix it.






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Hard to tell but the plywood might be off a little. I would think that as long as the 3/4 plywood and the stand is level overall those small gaps will flatten out when you fill it with water. You should be fine.

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Since it's a rimmed tank I wouldn't be too worried. On a rimless (where the bottom glass is sitting right up against the wood), most people recommend some kind of foam to fill in the uneven spots.

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Hard to tell but the plywood might be off a little. I would think that as long as the 3/4 plywood and the stand is level overall those small gaps will flatten out when you fill it with water. You should be fine.


well I filled it 75% of it and waited an hour before drained it, there were still gaps. Maybe it will take few weeks to flatten out.


Since it's a rimmed tank I wouldn't be too worried. On a rimless (where the bottom glass is sitting right up against the wood), most people recommend some kind of foam to fill in the uneven spots.


So with a rimmed tank if there are gaps like in those pictures its fine? they always say all the weight of the tank are on the rims. I was worried because there is a gap between right back corner. how can a wood bend up without any pressure? so the tank can warp? Am I thinking wrong?

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