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Skimmer help


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Iam planning to try with bubblemagus nac 3.5 skimmer for my tank.

Approx 140liter nett that include sump. 30 small colonies of sps some lps and 6 fishes and shrimps.

Please advice is nac 3.5 too small for my tank?



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Should be fine. It's good for up to 300L. It has a nice compact footprint and doesn't product too much heat. I am running one in my 48 gallon and have been satisfied so far. My only complaint is how difficult it is to remove the cup without blasting it all over my cabinet.

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it should be just right for your tank. i would go bigger, but thats just me. seeing how small the bubble magus is i doubt it can seriously handle a 80gal, 300L tank

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  • 2 weeks later...
Should be fine. It's good for up to 300L. It has a nice compact footprint and doesn't product too much heat. I am running one in my 48 gallon and have been satisfied so far. My only complaint is how difficult it is to remove the cup without blasting it all over my cabinet.


Thanks for the info jestep, it sure fit nicely and silent. How long it has been running in ur sump?


it should be just right for your tank. i would go bigger, but thats just me. seeing how small the bubble magus is i doubt it can seriously handle a 80gal, 300L tank


My previous one too big, using aquabee2000i. so trying smaller one.

switched back to big one today :D

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