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Stocking help


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So I recently contracted ich in the tank :angry: so its time to do some brain storming for the restock. i think this time around i want to really think about what to get instead of just going to the lfs and seeing what they have and going from there.


i know for sure i want a pair of clowns. i mean who doesnt. but i want something more than just perc. or ocel clowns. but nothing thats crazy expensive


secondly, im looking for something that is super active and is just fun to watch him or her go to work around the tank


lastly, i want something that just sits around and chills real hard. i just want diff personailities in the tank.


This is all going into a 25 gallon tank. that i plan on heavily stocking with corals while the tank is fishless for a few months.


any help is greatly appreciated!

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So I recently contracted ich in the tank :angry: so its time to do some brain storming for the restock. i think this time around i want to really think about what to get instead of just going to the lfs and seeing what they have and going from there.


i know for sure i want a pair of clowns. i mean who doesnt. but i want something more than just perc. or ocel clowns. but nothing thats crazy expensive


secondly, im looking for something that is super active and is just fun to watch him or her go to work around the tank


lastly, i want something that just sits around and chills real hard. i just want diff personailities in the tank.


This is all going into a 25 gallon tank. that i plan on heavily stocking with corals while the tank is fishless for a few months.


any help is greatly appreciated!


Naked Clownfish go for around $50 ea. they aren't too bad for a fancy clown!

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So I recently contracted ich in the tank :angry: so its time to do some brain storming for the restock. i think this time around i want to really think about what to get instead of just going to the lfs and seeing what they have and going from there.


i know for sure i want a pair of clowns. i mean who doesnt. but i want something more than just perc. or ocel clowns. but nothing thats crazy expensive


secondly, im looking for something that is super active and is just fun to watch him or her go to work around the tank


lastly, i want something that just sits around and chills real hard. i just want diff personailities in the tank.


This is all going into a 25 gallon tank. that i plan on heavily stocking with corals while the tank is fishless for a few months.


any help is greatly appreciated!

Pair of black and white or maybe snowflake clowns


Cherub Angelfish


Tailspot Blenny.


Boom. Think I nailed all of 'em.

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  • 1 month later...
So I recently contracted ich in the tank :angry: so its time to do some brain storming for the restock. i think this time around i want to really think about what to get instead of just going to the lfs and seeing what they have and going from there.


i know for sure i want a pair of clowns. i mean who doesnt. but i want something more than just perc. or ocel clowns. but nothing thats crazy expensive


secondly, im looking for something that is super active and is just fun to watch him or her go to work around the tank


lastly, i want something that just sits around and chills real hard. i just want diff personailities in the tank.


This is all going into a 25 gallon tank. that i plan on heavily stocking with corals while the tank is fishless for a few months.


any help is greatly appreciated!



I'm feeling the exact same way with my 27 gallon tank.


I came up with the following but not sure how well it'll work out yet....

Clown with Anemone or Clowns (2)

Goby with Pistol Shrimp

Flame Angel (might be too large)

Filamented Flasher Wrasse


I may drop the angel for the Wrasse. But I was planning on clean up crews to add more intrigue to the tank.

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I would honestly go with the goby/shrimp pair. I bought a sole Yellow Watchman Goby and he hid under a rock and barely came out. A week later I picked up a Tiger Pistol Shrimp, and within minutes of being in the tank they had paired up, and they are by far the best livestock-related purchase I have ever made on any tank ever. The pair of them have made their burrow entrances all facing the front of the tank, and I would watch them for 30 minutes+ because their relationship is so awesome. The goby is fully out 95% of the time, with the shrimp always with an antenna on the goby. I cannot suggest them more.

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i got myself a orange spot goby and a 6line wrasse so far. im curing some rock right now so im goign to wait till after they go into the tank and wait awhile before i get my next fish. most likely a clown but i wouldnt mind get a tiger shrimp for hte goby.


im also setting up a 10g very soon also so help with stocking on that one would help too!

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the angel def wont workif you have a reef. i had a half black and had to remove it bc it was nipping at everything. but the 6line i have is prob my fav fish ive had so far. its so fun to watch.

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the angel def wont workif you have a reef. i had a half black and had to remove it bc it was nipping at everything. but the 6line i have is prob my fav fish ive had so far. its so fun to watch.

I think maybe thats too much of a generalization. Some angels work and some don't. For example, my flame was great, but my friends nipped every once in a while. Depends on the fish IMO

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Best behaved angels seem to be cherub, flameback, flame, and coral beauty. Any others and it gets kinda sketchy. I, personally, have had a cherub for 5 months in my 29 gallon without a problem. Not very aggressive either; he gets bullied by my occy clown and blenny.

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Potters angelfish are probably one of rhe safest along with the ones on the list above, since Hawaii isn't as full of corals than other places where angelfish are caught so they will eat more algae and sponge than coral. But usually it's a crap shoot.

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